Farewell to the first Lithuanian television announcer J. Baranauskas in Vilnius Names


The farewell to J. Baranauskas at the Vilnius Funeral Home began on Friday at 5 pm and lasted until 8 pm The farewell to the deceased will also be possible on Saturday from 10 am to 1 pm.

The daughter of J. Baranauskas asked to honor the memory of her father with a symbolic ring of a flower.

Farewell moments – in the gallery:

It is announced that the urn will be removed from the Vilnius funeral home on Saturday at 1 pm The Man of Eternal Rest will lie in the Vilnius Antakalnis Cemetery on Artists’ Hill.

Photo by Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min photo / Farewell to Juozas Baranauskas

Photo by Rokas Lukoševičius / 15min photo / Farewell to Juozas Baranauskas

15 minutes recalls that the death of J. Baranauskas was announced on July 2 by lrt.lt. For the portal, the news of the loss was confirmed by his daughter. According to Erika Visockienė, her father’s health suddenly deteriorated on Friday night. He was soon taken to the hospital, but at 8 pm the man died.

“The father did not have any illness, everything came together, perhaps, the age, the heat,” said the deceased’s daughter.

The first Lithuanian television host, who was 86 years old, was also known as a Lithuanian lawyer, political and public figure.

J.Baranauskas studied at Vilnius University Law Faculty and in his second year he won the competition for Lithuanian radio broadcasters and later television broadcasters. It appeared on Lithuanian television from the first broadcast in 1957.

He was also the president of the Supreme Court of Justice. consultant, member of the Seimas.

J.Baranauskas had a wife Stanislav and children Evaldas and Erik.

The man died at the age of 86.
