Japanese media: a coronavirus has been solved for a Lithuanian swimmer who has attended the Games


The city of Hiracuka, which received the Lithuanian delegation, reported the coronavirus fixed to the swimmer. The identity of the athlete is not revealed, but it is mentioned that the athlete is 30 years old.

A swimmer’s test is said to have been negative on arrival on Wednesday, but a repeat case of COVID-19 was recorded.

On Saturday the athlete will be tested again to determine if the Lithuanian athlete is infected with the virus.

The Lithuanian is reported to have been training in the Hiracuka Basin, so now the city’s health security specialists are investigating whether more people have been infected with the coronavirus. The Lithuanian delegation was said to be both using their own vehicle.

The Lithuanian swimming delegation left this Tuesday for Japan, where it will prepare on July 23. for the next Tokyo Olympics.

LTOK: the information is incorrect

On Friday evening, the Lithuanian National Olympic Committee commented on the situation.

“The information published in the Japanese media about the case of COVID-19 detected in the Lithuanian swimming team is not correct.

Every morning antigen testing is performed on all members of the Lithuanian delegation. On Friday, a test conducted by one of the athletes yielded a questionable result, so the athlete was taken to the hospital for a PCR test. This was negative.

On Saturday morning, in Japanese time, the athlete will have another PCR test, the results of which will be announced, ”says Lina Motužytė, LTOK communication manager.

Proven swim bases

“It just came to our notice then. After landing in Tokyo for very long inspections, we were really tired. So far we haven’t been able to see much: the food is normal, the pool is good,” Danas Rapšys told LTOK.lt.

He, Giedrius Titenis, Andrius Šidlauskas, Deividas Margevičius, Simonas Bilis, Kotrynas Teterevkovas and members of the service staff were received in Hiracuka by Einius Petkus and Agnė Vanagienė, heads of the Olympic Sports Directorate of the Lithuanian National Olympic Committee (LTOK).

On Thursday, the best Lithuanian swimmers tested the swimming pool at Soho Park, where they will train before leaving for the Olympic Village in Tokyo.

“The sports base is great. We work in a 50m long pool, which so far only belongs to us. He looks forward to a good two weeks of training before the Olympics,” said G. Titenis, who is preparing for the fourth Olympics of his career.

Due to extremely strict security requirements, athletes are only admitted to the Olympic Village 5 days before the first competition of their sport and must leave within 48 hours of their last departure. Therefore, the possibility of acclimatization in Hiracuka is extremely important.

The cooperation between Japanese cities and the countries participating in the Olympic Games is based on the principle of intercultural exchange. Hiracuka residents will also support our athletes during Olympic starts.

Six swimmers will defend Lithuania’s honor at the Olympic Games: Danas Rapšys, Andrius Šidlauskas, Giedrius Titenis, Simonas Bilis, Deividas Margevičius and Kotryna Teterevkova.

The Tokyo Olympiad, relocated from 2020 due to the coronavirus crisis, will begin on July 23 and run until August 8.

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