Dustys said who else might need to get tested


The minister addressed the journalist Vladimir Laučius.

Weren’t you inspired at all by the example of the Government of Latvia? Are there plans to fire workers who refuse to get vaccinated there?

The main message is probably not intimidation or punishment, intimidation. Those tools that can help us in the long run. I really want to emphasize that it is important for us not only to invite people to the first vaccination, not only to encourage them not to forget the second vaccination, but also to have a long-term relationship, to persuade them to live a healthy life. life.

In the next week, the government plans to expand professional activities that would include a mandatory medical checkup. As you know, now we have personal health services, social services, education, children’s camps, and pharmacists already have mandatory medical examinations, tests.

We plan to develop those groups and invite more groups to mandatory health screenings.

What group groups would it be?

We have to find where the infection is most likely to spread, where the most convenient fishing areas for the virus are. Due to the extension of the delta, we see that it is really risky in the international transport of goods, public transport and passenger transport.

Also catering, retail, professional military service, the entire public administration system, where there are many customers, many patients, many people, communication, many activities, a lot of contact. There we plan to expand.

How often should I get tested? Every day or every other day?

By law and by government regulation, every 7-10 days. A test should be done about every week, but people who are fully vaccinated don’t need to.

See the full conversation in the report at the beginning of the article.
