Experts: We’ll Avoid Fall Quarantine in One Way


Such an idea was expressed by the oncologist Marius Strioga and Professor Saulius Čaplinskas in the program of the news portal “Section of the day”.

Mr. Chaplinski, in your opinion, with the spread of the Delta strain at current vaccination rates, will we avoid the drastic restrictions that have made our lives twice as difficult?

In my opinion, if we keep thinking about such drastic and total restrictions, it will be a big mistake. Such drastic restrictions, such closures, fate at home and the impossibility of getting out of nowhere, we can already clearly see that there was a mistake.

People couldn’t even go outside, and similarly, children were locked up at home. We must recognize and make it clear that yes, we have the tools, we know a lot about this disease and we can manage it.

However, we cannot control it completely. We probably won’t prevent local outbreaks, the loss of local people, but we can reduce it all. Here it is important to understand that we need to live in a new reality. This means that as many people as possible should know their Covid status and get vaccinated if there are no medical contraindications.

Let’s realize that as a country in the European Union, we have a unique opportunity, we have vaccines that, unfortunately, are now in the refrigerators, but there are a lot of countries in the world where people cannot receive a single vaccine. .

When there is such a wide variety of countries where the virus changes host very rapidly, and especially when it occurs in a person who has no or partial immunity, that person is a unique means for the virus to mutate further. This will create new strains.

But no matter what the tension is, the prevention measures are the same.

Mr. Strioga, do you think we can avoid quarantine in the fall?

This is difficult to predict. In the absence of an adequate level of immunization, one or other of the covered quarantine measures may be required. All the more so since there is evidence that unvaccinated people are 1.5 times more likely to be hospitalized.

The vast majority, more than 95 percent, of people who end up in hospitals are not vaccinated. If we don’t move towards our ideal 90%. limits or we approach too slowly, one or another quarantine may be applied to protect our health system in operation.

Now everything is in our hands. <...> Now we have a great tool that can help control or avoid everything, and that is our own motivation, desire, and awareness, whether we use that tool or not.

See the full conversation in the report at the beginning of the article.
