It usually ends up in the sad country itself


“It is probably not a surprising decision to minimize the number of our representatives in Belarus to the number that remains. In fact, it only shows the desire of the Belarusian regime to isolate itself and become even more dependent on its great neighbor.

As the experience of all other countries shows, such efforts to isolate oneself, to distance oneself from the outside world, generally end in a bad and sad country for itself, first of all for its people.

It should be noted that today the interests of the people and the interests of civil society are the least interesting for the Belarusian regime. The regime only cares about their survival at all costs. And we will think about our decisions and those decisions will be “, – said G. Nausėda.

The Minsk official announced on Tuesday that he would minimize Lithuania’s diplomatic mission in Belarus. The embassy staff is reduced to one consular and three technical-administrative staff.

Representatives of the Belarusian Foreign Ministry said this measure would remain in force until the abolition of “hostile and confrontational Lithuanian initiatives towards Belarus,” the Russian news agency Interfax reported, citing an official Minsk report.

The Lithuanian Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday it was preparing retaliatory measures.

“Countermeasures are being prepared. We will inform you about the details later,” Foreign Minister spokeswoman Vytautė Šmaižytė-Kuliešienė told BNS.
