More than 20 wind farms are planned to be built in the Alytus district.


Preparatory work for the installation of a wind farm is underway in the Alytus district. There is still time to make proposals for an environmental impact assessment program.

UAB Alytaus vėjas plans to build a wind farm. The park would be about 20 kilometers from Alytus on plot 21 in the Simnas elder community, Navininkai village, Gluosnininkai village, Angininkai village, Buktininkai village, Saulėnai village, Komisaruvka village, Ponkiškės village, Kalesninkai village. Atesninkai II k.

The public institution “Darnaus vystymosi centras” has prepared an environmental impact assessment program for the installation of a wind farm. It claims that it is planned to build up to 21 wind farms, up to 127.2 megawatts (MW), with a nominal capacity of up to 5.7 MW.

The total planned height of power plants, when the blade end (“wing”) is at the highest point, is provided up to 245.5m and the tower height, up to 164m.

The program is being evaluated by the State Service of Protected Areas, the Directorate of the Biosphere Reserve of Žuvintas, the Directorate of the Meteliai Regional Park, the Alytus Department of the National Center for Public Health of the Ministry of Culture, the Alytus Division of the Cultural Heritage Department of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania, Alytus County Fire and Rescue Board.

The decision on the admissibility of the planned economic activity in the selected place will be made by the Environmental Protection Agency.

The EIA program for planned economic activity is available on the website of the program developer Public institution “Center for Sustainable Development”

Comments and suggestions can be sent until June 30. he. P. [email protected] with a copy to the Environmental Protection Agency.

According to the representative of the “Sustainable Development Center” of the Public Institution, the environmental impact assessment program will have to determine the distances to residences and public houses that will guarantee compliance with all hygiene regulations and international standards and will guarantee that the population suffers no adverse health effects. At the same time, the impact on sensitive bird and bat species will be evaluated, it will be analyzed if the appearance of the park will not affect the values ​​of the protected areas and if it will not have a significant visual impact on the landscape.
