No deaths from COVID-19 in Lithuania again, and 35 new cases


In the country, 5,440 molecular tests (PCR) and 5,660 of antigens were carried out for suspected coronavirus.

The rate of new illnesses in the last 14 days is 100,000. population is 27.8. The proportion of positive diagnostic tests in the past seven days is 0.5 percent.

In Lithuania, since the start of the pandemic, COVID-19 has affected 278,726 people.

Statistically recovered and currently 267 thousand live. 565 people, statistically 815 people are currently ill.

A total of 4,381 people died in Lithuania from COVID-19. 8,907 deaths are directly and indirectly related to this infectious disease.

The quarantine that lasts more than seven months in Lithuania counts the last days. As of Thursday, July 1, the regime will be canceled. The government made that decision on Monday. However, epidemiologists warn that the number of diseases will rise again in the fall. Therefore, we must prepare for the challenge of the cold season this year.

154 COVID-19 patients are treated in hospitals, 30 of them in resuscitation

Currently, 154 patients with COVID-19 are being treated in hospitals, 30 of them in resuscitation, according to data from the Department of Statistics published on Tuesday.

The total number of patients in both hospitalization and resuscitation per day decreased to 164 and 33 on Monday, respectively.

Currently 112 patients are being added oxygen, and 19 patients are receiving artificial lung ventilation.

Twelve people were hospitalized for COVID-19 on the last day.

More than 3,000 people received the first COVID-19 vaccine per day. people

Last day, 3123 people received the first dose of COVID-19, the second – 16 thousand. 673, released by the Statistics Department on Tuesday.

In the country, COVID-19 has so far received the first dose of 1 million vaccines. 231 thousand 196 people, two – 958 thousand. 909.

At least one dose of the vaccine was 53.9%. more than 80, 68.4 percent. – Population from 75 to 79 years old, 70.6 percent. – 70-74 years and 69.1 percent. – Population from 65 to 69 years old.

In the age group 55-64, 57% are vaccinated, in the age group 45-54 – 50.4%, in the age group 35-44 – 48.6%, in the age group 25- 34 – 41.7%, 16-24 years group – 39.4 percent. population. 6.9 percent of children ages 12 to 15 were vaccinated.

These figures increased between 0.1 and 0.3 percentage points per day.

In Lithuania, 44% have received at least one coronavirus vaccine. people: 0.1 percentage points more than a day before.

In total, Lithuania has received 2 million. 735 thousand 655 doses of vaccine, of which 2 million. 473 thousand 575 are delivered to the vaccination centers. Here 2 million were used. 190,105 doses of vaccine.

There are currently 545.6 thousand doses of the vaccine unused. The day before, this figure amounted to 379.2 thousand.

When the new quarantine would threaten

If the government decides on Monday to end the quarantine imposed on COVID-19 from July, it will be decided when it will be republished, says Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė.

“We need to come together and announce a certain whisper, as the bankers say, as well as to the general public, what coincidence would be the basis for the government to return to a resolution reestablishing the quarantine regime,” the prime minister said at the meeting. .

I. Šimonytė stressed that, although everyone would like to see that decision not be made again, it cannot be ruled out that it is necessary.

Kaunas vaccination without registration

Kaunas Vaccination Center starting Monday for COVID-19 vaccination without registration.

According to the municipality, residents must arrive at the vaccination center of the Ice Palace during the week from 3:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Those who want to be vaccinated will be able to choose from all the COVID-19 vaccines available at the vaccination center at that time.

The municipality also promises to introduce a mobile vaccination point on Tuesday.

Large shipment of vaccines

On Monday, 181 thousand people arrived in Lithuania. 350 doses of BioNTech and Pfizer coronavirus vaccines.

According to the Ministry of Health, this is the 28th batch of vaccine from this manufacturer. It will be distributed to the municipalities according to their population and vaccination rate.

The mobile team keeps working

This week, the Janssen vaccine will be available in Alytus, Mažeikiai, Palanga near the bridge and near Trakai Castle in live queues, the government announced on Monday.

Residents of these cities will be vaccinated without prior registration by specialists from the National Blood Center. One dose is enough to receive this vaccine.

The schedule of new trips for the National Blood Center has been updated and has been supplemented with more than twenty municipalities. Since the start of the campaign, the National Blood Center has vaccinated more than 5,000 people. population. People are urged not to miss the opportunity to get vaccinated without any registration, closer to home.
