With the lifting of the quarantine, we will see a change: the verdict of the experts is strict – the pandemic is not over


How Delphi said Kęstutis Petrikonis, a professor at the Lithuanian Health Sciences University (LSMU), and the government did the right thing by leaving the passport valid for mass events.

“I think there must still be some kind of order. People should feel it. (…) Those who made those decisions could comment here, but in my head there is still a risk – young people are more mobile, there are still more young people at events , the diffusion of this Delta variety is among those who have not been vaccinated or not vaccinated with both doses. There are those risks for young people, and these masks are still not used during the events, and the distances are not maintained “, said K Petrikonis.

Professor Saulius Čaplinskas, a specialist in communicable diseases, spoke similarly, emphasizing that the pandemic, although without a quarantine regime, must continue to be managed with complex measures.

Saulius Čaplinskas

Saulius Čaplinskas

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

“Only a set of measures can give the desired and sustainable effect in the long term. If we were talking only about masks, quarantine, only distances, hospitals or only vaccines, we would be making a mistake. Only one set of measures can be effective ”, Emphasized the expert.

The passport of opportunity, he says, helps a person keep track of their COVID-19 status.

“Knowing the status of a fight is very important for risk management. (…) Especially when it comes to movement, communication, travel. Will we call it a passport of opportunities or is it another matter?” Said S. Čaplinskas.

For his part, Professor K. Petrikonis also commented on the Government’s plans to evaluate variety control measures and specific milestones after two weeks, which would mean that the quarantine regime is necessary again.

With the lifting of the quarantine, we will see a change: the verdict of the experts is strict - the pandemic is not over

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

“You can always prepare it, have it and then review it; I don’t think those things are done from the white paper, there are still some scenarios. (…) At this point, I agree and I think there is a need for release in the summer, some security must be maintained, and it is probably not very wise to remove the entire quarantine and leave no restrictions.

I appreciate that these decisions, in my head, are what they should be, and two weeks is the time when they will appear – now the great countries to travel and for the same reasons, because everyone is watching the situation, ”LSMU said. teacher.

A pandemic is not worth waiting for in the fall.

S. Čaplinskas noted that efforts are currently required to prevent the introduction of varieties into the country and their spread within the country.

“These measures will be relevant for a long time. (…) We can clearly see what is happening in the world, the information is really abundant. The pandemic in the world has not yet been overcome and it will not be overcome soon: the WHO notices it and We are seeing it ourselves. If the situation is improving in our country, it is in the countries where the situation is worsening. (…) Therefore, we hope that the pandemic will end with the summer and that there will be no new wave, or rise, in autumn, there are no scientific conditions ”, emphasized the infectious disease specialist.

When asked if only the recommendations for the use of protective masks indoors are sufficient, S. Čaplinskas answered affirmatively.

“People are used to it, they will probably agree that a person who does not wear a mask or wears a mask incorrectly in a supermarket looks strange. “It should become a normal expression of the new reality, and perhaps we should encourage each other in some way, we should make a courteous comment if the mask is applied incorrectly and there are other conditions in the field that reduce the spread of the virus.” “added the expert.

The quarantine, which lasted more than half a year, will end on Thursday: some of the restrictions will be maintained

The Minister of Health Arūnas Dulkys, who presented the issue of the revocation of the quarantine at the Government meeting, affirmed that although the epidemiological situation in the country is improving, there is still the possibility of an increase in cases due to the coronavirus strain. Delta.

With the lifting of the quarantine, we will see a change: the verdict of the experts is strict - the pandemic is not over

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

As a result, most of the current requirements carry over from the quarantine document to the emergency document.

“We also have many challenges with the timing of vaccination, they are very important to handle the new wave of morbidity,” said the minister.

Therefore, it is proposed to go out and not lift the emergency at the state level ”, he explained.

The nationwide quarantine will be lifted from midnight on July 1, but the emergency will continue. For mass events, the Passport of Opportunities will continue to be used and a recommendation on the use of masks indoors will be maintained.

“Having already identified the fact that we have many risks, most of the measures are transferred from the quarantine document to the content of the emergency decision. Many provisions are being transposed, ”said Minister A. Dulkys.

He also discussed the issue of wearing masks at a government meeting.

“A fundamental change is in this case the mandatory nature of masks in both the public and private sectors, where there are contact services. (…) We will strongly ask you to follow the recommendation of wearing masks indoors, ”he said.

The second quarantine, after several extensions, is valid in Lithuania from November 7 to June 30 of the previous year inclusive.

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