More than half a year of quarantine will end on Thursday: there will be no total freedom, some restrictions will be maintained


Delphi recalls that the Government Emergency Commission (IACC), which met last week, proposed that the quarantine regime be lifted as of July 1. This conclusion was presented by epidemiologists at the WESC meeting.

According to the letter from the National Public Health Center (NVSC), such a proposal is made due to the gradual improvement of the COVID-19 epidemic in Lithuania and European countries, as well as due to the increasing number of people already vaccinated.

As of July 1, part of the restrictions will be transferred to the Emergency Project at the state level, the emergency situation would remain in force in the country and border control, the regulation of economic activities and the provision of services would be maintained.

A document registered last week states that the risk of the spread of the coronavirus still persists, especially considering the spread of the delta coronavirus that has started to spread in Lithuania, “at the same time, the possibility of a recurring wave of disease cannot be ruled out” . .

The emergency proposal of the Ministry of the Interior (MIA) suggests that the Opportunity Passport be used for large events where spectators see the event not only from the seats: festivals, mass meetings, concerts, etc., but also for education and personal health care.

There will also be a requirement to register for events in advance by distributing tickets electronically.

Without opportunities, passport events could only take place while spectators are seated, filling no more than 75 percent indoors. seating. The number of participants in open spaces is not limited.

In non-formal education for children, a maximum of 30 children can participate in indoor activities, including for groups in children’s camps, unless all children and staff are sick or vaccinated.

More than half a year of quarantine will end on Thursday: there will be no total freedom, some restrictions will be maintained

© DELFI / Tomas Vinickas

Most of the operating principles, such as the provision of educational services, patient visits and others, must also be regulated by the decisions of the operations manager.

COVID-19 patients will continue to be denied hospitalization unless they are children, terminally ill patients, or visitors who have been diagnosed or vaccinated with the disease.

The draft resolution stipulates that work in the institutions is organized and clients are served in accordance with the conditions established by the operations manager.

The draft decree establishes the conditions for crossing the state border: it is still necessary to provide immunization against the COVID-19 disease or documents confirming the fact of the COVID-19 test.

The topic of wearing masks was also discussed

Health Minister Arūnas Dulkys, who presented this issue at the Government meeting, affirmed that although the epidemiological situation in the country is improving, there is still the possibility of an increase in cases due to the delta coronavirus strain. Therefore, most of the requirements valid so far are transferred from the quarantine document to the emergency document.

“We also have many challenges with the timing of vaccination, they are very important to handle the new wave of morbidity,” said the minister.

Therefore, it is proposed to go out and not lift the emergency at the state level ”, he explained.

The nationwide quarantine will be lifted from July 1 at 00:00. But the emergency will remain.

“Having already identified the fact that we have many risks, most of the measures are transferred from the quarantine document to the content of the emergency decision. Many provisions are being transposed, ”said Minister A. Dulkys.

He also discussed the issue of wearing masks at a government meeting.

“A fundamental change is in this case the mandatory nature of masks in both the public and private sectors, where there are contact services. (…) We will strongly ask you to follow the recommendation of wearing masks indoors, ”he said.

The Interior Minister, Agnė Bilotaitė, urged not to relax, act responsibly and get vaccinated against the coronavirus.

Indicators will be presented for a possible new quarantine

At the meeting, Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė stated that in two weeks SAM should present indicators that encourage the return to the quarantine regime.

“We must agree to have a vision for the next meeting, under what circumstances, what indicators we will evaluate when the situation is different from the beginning of the year. The numbers and others are very important: employment and hospital potential. That it would not be like last fall, that decisions would not be made too late. It should be declared as a whisper: what a coincidence would be the basis for the Government to return to quarantine, “said Prime Minister I. Šimonytė.

He said it may only be necessary to introduce local quarantines.

Delphi Remember that the second quarantine, with several extensions, is valid in Lithuania from November 7 to June 30 inclusive.

Currently, most of the strict quarantine restrictions no longer apply, most of the activities are allowed, the management of flows, the use of masks indoors, in meetings of people.

In recent days, the number of new coronavirus cases recorded per day has reached less than a hundred, and the number of deaths has dropped significantly: no deaths from coronavirus have been recorded for several days this week.

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