Justin Timberlake has expressed a strong view of the behavior of the father of his ex-lover Britney Spears and his desire to get his life back.


Many celebrities have expressed their support for Britney. Timberlake also joined the fight for her former lover. From 1998 to 2002, the artists of the meeting were one of the most famous couples in the entertainment world. So for the two of you to hear what Justin thinks about Britney’s confession, it’s extremely interesting.

“After everything we’ve seen today, we should be supporting Britney at this difficult time for her. It doesn’t matter what our past was, good or bad, it doesn’t matter how long it was. What is happening now is simply wrong.

No woman should be prevented from making decisions about herself, ”Justin wrote on Twitter.

“No one should be held against their will. “You ask permission before getting what has worked so much for you all your life,” added the singer.

He said he supported Britney with his wife Jessica Biel. “Mudu and I send full love and support to Britney. We hope the court and her family make the right decision and that she can live the way she wants, ”Timberlake hopes.

Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel

Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel

© Vida Press

Take strong drugs, you can’t get pregnant.

Britney has admitted that she has been deprived of the right to have more children and given psychiatric drugs against her will, writes the BBC.

Jamie Spears was sentenced by a court ruling to control her daughter in 2008 when the star was hospitalized out of concern for her mental health.

In a phone call to a judge in Los Angeles on Wednesday, Britney said she injured herself every day. “I just want my life back,” he said.

Los Angeles Supreme Court Justice Brenda Penny thanked the star for her “bold” words, but has yet to make a decision. Celebrities are likely to face a lengthy legal process, the Associated Press reports.

For years, there has been speculation about how 39-year-old Spears felt about the deal, and fans enthusiastically combed her production on social media to find out.

“I want to end this control,” Spears went to court in a 20-minute video. – I deserve to have a life, because I worked a lot. I deserve a two or three year break. “

The mother of two revealed that she wanted to marry her boyfriend and have another baby, but was forbidden to do so. He accuses his father of not allowing the removal of an intrauterine contraceptive device (IUD) to prevent pregnancy.

She also said that they are giving her strong medications against her will for patients suffering from bipolar disorder that make her feel like she is drunk and unable to speak.

“It just came to our attention then. I’m not happy, I can’t fall asleep. I’m angry and cry every day,” Britney said openly this time, denying on social media that she felt bad about her father’s control.

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