Warns about the last week of quarantine – it can show a lot


Through Jonines, the government has eased part of the quarantine and, although many restrictions will be maintained, the government should soon announce the end of the quarantine and leave only an emergency in the country. And although the number of cases of coronavirus infections has dropped significantly in Lithuania, the insidious strain of Delta has started to spread in the country and the rate of vaccination has slowed down.

The government finally approved on Tuesday a proposal not to limit the number of participants in open events through Jonines. It was also decided to waive the requirement to purchase tickets electronically on those days. The use of masks will remain mandatory.

“This is only a two-day change, because due to more general changes, the ministries will come to the government after the meeting of the Government Emergency Commission,” Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė said at the Tuesday morning meeting.

Previously it was proposed to lift the ban on the sale of food and beverages and the provision of other services in the places, but the Cabinet has rejected the proposal.

It was also decided to establish it in 2021. June 23-24 Events organized in open spaces are not subject to the requirement of advance electronic ticket distribution.

Conservative Paulė Kuzmickienė, a member of the Seimas Health Affairs Committee, and Daiva Razmuvienė, a physician at the National Center for Public Health (NVSC), are discussing the coronavirus situation in the country, the quarantine regime, new strains of the virus and vaccination on current affairs talk show Dienas pjūvis

Ms. Razmuviene, how do you assess the authorities’ decision to take a quarantine break over St. John’s weekend?

D. Razmuvienė: I think it is a very wise decision. All the people, the doctors and the whole society, what we are going to say here, is really in a stressful stage of life, because we always hear that the situation is getting worse, let’s stretch, we feel responsible.

I don’t think those two days really make that improvement situation any worse. We see that no deaths have been reported for yesterday. We can be happy about that today, but still, knowing those few risks, out of those few risks, the Delta mutation has reached Lithuania, which spreads very quickly and is not affected by high temperatures. Furthermore, higher vaccination rates would be desirable.

D. Razmuvienė (photo Photo Day / Justinas Auškelis)

A sigh like that for a couple of days, days 23-24, certainly won’t make things worse if people follow the requirements that I think everyone has learned. The one who understood, the one who knew, kept.

What will it be like during those Jonines? I think even the weather might not allow him to jump over bonfires very widely, raging at night. Of course, the Palanga spa is full from today, those meetings are not desirable, but let’s understand, now in summer.

We have always said and now we will repeat that the spread of the virus is faster indoors, it spreads in a very very insignificant way in spaces of time. But that risk cannot be ruled out, knowing that the Delta variety has little effect on high temperatures and its spread is much faster.

The risk is small but persists, so it might be time to take care of the vaccine right now. Not in one dose, but in two doses. Everyone should think of themselves, not only in preparation for fall, but also in preparation for this summer vacation. Because July is still ahead and August is ahead.

Still, a mass of people will gather by the lakes, by the sea, will we not have, Ms. Razmuvienv, new coronavirus outbreaks across the Jonines? Both because of the high temperature and because of the open space?

D. Razmuvienė: You know, it’s hard to predict much. As we can see in the two years that we have lived with the pandemic, no prediction has been very much fulfilled.

Due to the Delta mutation, there is no clear data on how it will behave in our society. There are some indicators in clinical trials that people who get two doses of the vaccine are 80 percent less likely to get it. They are protected.

It is also less affected by high temperatures. When we have 25-30 degrees of heat, it can spread successfully.


Of course, if a person is next to each other, a gathering of people, they stay longer and do not keep their distances, they gather from separate families, separate Lithuanian cities, the risk is. Small, but there is, it cannot be ruled out.

The Delta cases that are registered in Lithuania are all imported. I think definitely people from other countries will come to Saint John’s Day and that long weekend. Who can know what situation that person might be in, what strain of the virus, maybe even Delta herself? [atmainą].

Of course, the holidays are celebrations, but those precautions should … You should not think much about it, but the assessment of each of your own risk, should remain.

Ms. Kuzmickiene, how do you rate the idea of ​​releasing the quarantine for St. John’s weekend?

P. Kuzmickienė: Although it has already sounded, but I would like to congratulate the poster for the very good news, we have not died since covid and the number of cases is reminiscent of September. Here is the achievement of all of us and I would like to thank all the people and the medical staff.

P. Kuzmickienė

And that pause … You know, there is no full release, there are also some restrictions on the food trade in general meetings. It seems to me that I will agree with the assertion of the expert Razmuvienė that both heat and fresh air and their presence reduce the chances of getting sick and spreading the virus. That stay, the restoration of good humor, being with relatives seems to me a very successful and welcome step on the part of the Government.

But maybe then the quarantine had to be completely lifted now? Government officials say June will be the last month of quarantine. Now we have relaxed it a bit, then we have tightened it again and then we live in quarantine for another week.

P. Kuzmickienė: Let’s go to the end of June, she is very close. It seems to me that the decisions are measured and considered. Rushing a week there or here won’t make a big difference. Still, we must focus primarily on what we need to do to keep that virus as far away from our society as possible. Clearly, I am talking about vaccination, how to vaccinate our society to the greatest extent possible, how to reach them in the moment, so that we can acquire the immunity that society needs as soon as possible.

A new vaccination center has been opened in Vilnius - Litexpo facilities have been used

Mrs. Razmuviene, do you think the quarantine should have been lifted by now? You mentioned that people are tense, it might have had to be announced on June 24th. – End of quarantine?

D. Razmuvienė: You see, now we’re guessing what it would have been like or what it would have been like if it had been somehow. I think that the current decision of the Government to give those two days a bit of liberation is to understand that this liberation is not as completely free as we celebrate Saint John’s Day in 2019. However, two posts have been liberated so that you don’t have to pre-register electronically for that option and no number of people will be counted, you will be allowed to not only sit but also stand at events.

But, again, the use of masks remains, as does the ban on the sale of food and beverages. It means that those meetings that can really be with food and drink are prohibited.

St. John in Kernavė

We cannot say that there is total freedom, but a little respite on the occasion of the summer holidays is really very positive. Now that week, which remains after San Juan, will surely neither add nor subtract. This will be a monitoring time, because we see that deltas are being recorded in Lithuania. If they show up in greater numbers, as Estonian colleagues, Latvians and Poles have done, that is the situation, you know … We cannot say that the pandemic is over. As I always say, the virus no longer exists, he went on vacation with us, everything is closed. The situation needs to be monitored, which the last week of June can show a lot. I am referring to the introduction of the Delta virus in Lithuania.

We don’t really have to think that everything is fine and we go back to June 24, 2019. That is certainly not the case. Hopefully next year will be the same as 2019.

The second part of the show discussed the spread of the Delta coronavirus strain and why the president’s goal of vaccinating 70 percent by mid-summer had not been met. population of the country. You can see the full program “Daily Section” in the video at the beginning of the text.
