“For Lithuania to stay sober for at least half a day”


For their part, the Liberals last week introduced amendments to the Alcohol Control Act that propose extending sales on Sundays and selling low-alcohol beverages to buyers over 18 years of age. The member of the Seimas, the liberal Andrius Bagdonas, does not rule out the possibility of a compromise option: trade in alcohol from 12 noon to 10 at night. daily. So where will the Seimas members go?

Tighten even more?

The conservative S. Jovaiša stated that in the previous legislature he had presented a proposal to shorten the commercial hours of alcohol, starting to be commercialized at 12 noon, but the members of the Seimas first decided to change the hours from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. . and monitor how that change works.

“I think nothing bad would happen if Lithuania were really sober for at least half a day. Those who need it will get it in advance, this is not prohibited. But the shops will not be available. The bars and cafes will continue to function as usual, it will be possible. fulfill his wish, “presented S. Jovaiša the offer.

What arguments, based on the facts, does the parliamentarian propose to further toughen restrictions on the alcohol trade?

“People in Europe follow a slightly different mentality: it is unacceptable for them to drink alcohol until noon. Step by step, from 8 am to 10 pm as if we are getting used to it and Lithuania is not collapsing.

Let’s build up that sober morning for a couple more hours, I think, and now nothing will happen. People will wake up alert, go to work. Whoever cannot lift it, I think, will really get enough and will find an opportunity to meet their needs, “said the MP.

S. Jovaiša’s proposal would also extend the time of the alcohol trade on Sunday, now it is scheduled for 3 pm the time on Sundays would be equalized with other days and it would be extended until 8 pm

“It is a kind of alternative: if the sales time is extended at night, it is a shortening of the time to buy alcohol in the morning. Let it be a counterweight and let’s see what it will really be like.

A few years ago, my proposal was supported by almost a third of the members of the Seimas. Now that the situation has changed a bit, people are seeing the benefits of that restriction. A reduction in alcohol consumption, illnesses and deaths from it has been estimated. I think this is one more step towards strengthening sobriety ”, the Conservative is convinced.

The resulting queues

At the time, liberal Andrius Bagdon was convinced that the goal was not for people to drink as little alcohol as possible on Sunday afternoons, but to drink as little alcohol as possible every day, which, he said, it should not be achieved through bans or bans. restrictions.

“The first proposed law is to give adult Lithuanian citizens from the age of 18 the opportunity to buy alcoholic beverages if they wish,” the liberal introduced.

“The Seimas should not restrict their rights with any law,” he added.

A. Bagdon said he did not support the proposal to delay the alcohol trade time from 12 to 20 hours, but plans to offer a compromise option, from 12 to 22 hours. night every day of the week.

“It would definitely support the sale of alcoholic beverages starting at 12 noon, but then it could be extended until 10 at night. We see that at 8 pm people often line up, wanting one type or another of alcohol.

To avoid those queues, business hours could be delayed. And those people who have problems with alcohol consumption, usually look for that alcoholic drink in the morning, “said the liberal.

For his part, S. Jovaiša declared that his proposal to delay the time of the alcohol trade from 12 noon. The morning is not a ban, but an offer to the nation to decide which path we want to take.

“Everyone sees alcohol lovers coming to the store along with the vendors, especially in the villages. I believe that this proposal, and not the ban, will serve to calm the nation ”, S. Jovaiša is convinced of the benefits of his proposal.

At the same time, the conservative said he would still consider extending A. Bagdon’s proposal to extend the alcohol exchange time to 22 hours.

“I think lengthening that time would create additional problems. All problems occur during the dark hours of the day, it can end earlier, go to bed earlier,” said S. Jovaiša.
