How to recognize the symptoms of blood clot?


Blood clots are semisolid blood clots that form in veins or arteries.

A blood clot can be immobile and prevent blood flow. Such a clot is called a clot. A clot can also break loose, break loose, and travel through the body; This is called an embolism.

Write about the most important signs and symptoms of blood clots and how doctors treat them.

How to recognize the symptoms of blood clot?

Signs and symptoms of blood clots.

Some people are at increased risk for blood clots. According to the American Society of Hematologists, factors that increase the risk of blood clots include:

• use of oral contraceptives;
• immobility (such as long hospital stays);
• obesity;
• smoke;
• greater than 60 m. years;
• cases of blood clots between close relatives;
• the pregnancy;
• intravenous drip, catheter insertion;
• certain types of cancer;
• injuries;
• chronic inflammatory diseases;
• diabetes.

People at increased risk of clotting should be aware of its signs and symptoms. According to the American Clot Association, symptoms can vary depending on the type of blood clot.

Symptoms of deep vein thrombosis

Deep vein thrombosis is a clot that forms in a vein (usually in the leg), but this clot can also form in the pelvic area or arm.

Deep vein thrombosis may not cause any symptoms. However, if symptoms do occur, they may include:

• heat flowing at the clot site;
• tenderness or pain in the affected leg or arm;
• swelling of the affected leg, foot, or arm;
• The skin turns red or purple.

The symptoms are usually local and affect only the blood or the damaged arm or leg. The National Blood Clot Alliance also notes that the pain or discomfort felt with this type of clot may be reminiscent of the sensation of muscle tension.

Pulmonary embolism

Pulmonary embolism occurs when a clot or part of it travels through the veins and ends in the lungs. This condition can be fatal.

According to the American Clot Association, some common symptoms of pulmonary embolism can include:

• sharp chest pain, especially when inhaled deeply;
• coughing up blood;
• fever;
• dizziness in the head;
• frequent pulses;
• sudden shortness of breath;
• Sweating for no reason.
If you experience any symptoms of pulmonary embolism, seek immediate medical attention.

Arterial clots

Symptoms of arterial clots generally develop quickly because they cause the organs to run out of oxygen faster than other types of clots. Arterial clots can cause a variety of symptoms and complications, including heart attack, stroke, severe pain, and paralysis.

Other areas of the body where clots can form

Although deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism are the most common, blood clots can form in other parts of the body.

According to the American Society of Hematologists, the following symptoms can occur in clots in other parts of the body:

• abdominal pain, vomiting, or diarrhea can report clots in the abdomen;
• speech problems, weakness in the face or hands, vision problems, dizziness, severe headache may be signs of clots in the brain;
• Chest tightness, chest pain, shortness of breath, nausea, dizziness, or upper body discomfort can be a sign of a clot in the heart.


The diagnostic process may vary depending on the location where the clot is suspected to have formed.

Doctors can ask about symptoms and do tests.



According to the National Blood Clot Alliance, some of the most common tests performed in such cases may include:

• ultrasound, generally used to diagnose deep vein thrombosis;
• venography —a test in which special contrast agents are injected into a vein and x-rays are taken to assess the condition of the veins;
• magnetic resonance image;
• Pulmonary angiography: A method that uses a contrast agent and a chest x-ray to determine if a patient has had a pulmonary embolism.

Doctors can use a CT angiography test to determine if clots have formed in the head, neck, chest, or abdomen. In this study, special contrast media are injected and a CT scan is done to determine what blood flow is like and to see if there are clots.

Doctors may order a chest x-ray to rule out other possible causes of the symptoms of pulmonary embolism, such as pneumonia.


Blood clot treatment is about reducing the size of your blood clots and preventing new clots from forming.

The following are commonly used to treat blood clots:

• anticoagulants: drugs that prevent blood clotting, prevent new clots from forming, and stop the growth of existing clots;
• thrombolytic therapy to break the clots;
• compression socks;
• Empty Vein Filters – Small devices that surgeons can implant into the veins to prevent clots from moving into the lungs.

Treatment options should be discussed with your doctor. If taking medications is necessary, your doctor’s dosing instructions should be followed.

Prevention of blood clots.

Certain medicines for blood clotting can help treat blood clots and prevent new clots from forming. Another effective preventive measure is compression stockings.

Although not all blood clots can be prevented, steps can still be taken to prevent clots from forming. According to the Agency for Research and Health Quality, the following actions can help prevent blood clots:

• When you rest in bed, raise your legs about 15 cm above the level of your heart.
• wear non-pressurized stockings, wear loose clothing;
• don’t forget about physical activity, exercise regularly;
• Wear compression stockings regularly.
• Limit your intake of salt as much as possible.
• If you have to sit or stand for a long time, change your body position frequently.
• Avoid sitting or standing for more than an hour without interruption.
• Take all medications exactly as your doctor has told you.
• Do not put a pillow below the knees.
• Avoid raising your leg while sitting;
• Try to avoid

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