Mačiulis, the Nausėda councilor, addressed the march participants: his words were accompanied by applause and drums.


He thanked the people gathered for their activity.

“Thank you for your activity, it has shown that Lithuanians are an active nation. It has shown that it can defend its opinion and its beliefs by showing it by listening to that position of a government with which it does not agree. You do not remain silent, you talk and say. First of all, thank you for your activity, “said P. Mačiulis, Presidential Advisor, in Simonas Daukantas Square.

These words were accompanied by applause and drums.

“There are many issues in Lithuania where opinions can and do differ. We really need to be as united as possible, listening to different positions, to be a nation, a Lithuania. However, there are many signs of anxiety about what it is happening in Lithuania right now. First of all, I would like to mention the possibility of referendums, “said G. Nausėda’s adviser.

He reminded the audience that it was only on Thursday that the government registered the referendum law.

“And if the Seimas does not pass this law by July, you, I and other Lithuanian citizens will lose your civil right to a referendum,” said P. Mačiulis.

Nausėda’s adviser said there were many opinions from politicians and government officials on the need to ask for the opinion of citizens, and his words were accompanied by cries of “shame”.

“It just came to our attention then. Be it in a referendum, polls or other possible ways to communicate with Lithuanian citizens, it is necessary to do so. We cannot be afraid of the opinions of others, even if they differ,” said P. Mačiulis.

He conveyed to the audience “the sincerest wishes of President G. Nausėda.”

“Because he cannot come to you today, he is currently attending a preparatory meeting of the European Council (EVS), which is held remotely. You probably know very well that some politicians are also trying to expel the president of EVS” , recalled P. Mačiulis about the initiative of the representatives of the TS-LKD.

After this speech, the people in S. Daukantas Square chanted “we will not leave.”

“Even though someone is trying to expel him, it is also a different opinion that needs to be heard and heard. But, like all of you, I believe, the driving force here is democratic values, the Lithuanian Constitution and citizenship. I believe that we will all fight for Lithuania to be one, united nation “, – P. Mačiulis, adviser to President G. Nausėda, concluded his speech to the participants of the demonstration” Family March “.

After P. Mačiulis’s speech, the assembled people chanted “thank you,” and one of the event organizers said that the president should be thanked for speaking through the lips of P. Mačiulis.

Delphi remember that the participants in the campaign claim to have the same demands as in the “Great March for the Defense of the Family” a month ago.

The Seimas was then asked not to consider ratifying the Istanbul Convention, not to introduce the draft Association Law, not to consider the decriminalization of possession of small amounts of drugs, to eliminate the draft Law on National Minorities from the Seimas agenda, “to immediately stop opening all schools to contact teachers.”

Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė was also required to remove Justice Minister Evelinas Dobrovolskas, Health Minister Arūnas Dulkis, Minister of Economy and Innovation Aušrinė Armonaitė and others from the Government before June 1.

The “Great March for the Defense of the Family” took place on May 15, when some 10,000 people from various corners of the country gathered in the Vingis Park in the capital. people seeking to protest against the Istanbul Convention and other initiatives that they say are directed against the traditional family.

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