BYPOL: Raman Pratasevich was beaten by Lukashenko himself


BYPOL writes about this on the Telegram channel.

“The first video report, which was also attended by Romanas Protasevičius, published on May 24, shows that the detainee’s face was sunken to hide the wounds. So who beat R. Protasevičius? “BYPOL asks.

Members of the BYPOL initiative know that after the arrest on May 23, after an interview with I. Tertelis and after spending some time at the Supreme Board against Organized Crime, R. Pratasevičius was transferred to the 1st Detention Center (City of Minsk). .

“The next day we received information that the tuple of a dictator had arrived at the Detention Center. Given the usurper’s revenge and his sadistic leanings, it came as no surprise that a man, believing himself president, was able to go to the interrogation isolator to interact with a detainee who, according to authorities, was involved in organizing the protests.

Our experts in the field of forensic medicine claim that there are enough signs in the video material mentioned above, according to which it can be stated that R. Pratasevičius has a broken nose. It goes without saying that R. Pratasevičius needed an examination by a specialist in a narrow field, whose isolator is not in the medical department, ”BYPOL activists write.

Ramanas Prataseviius

Ramanas Prataseviius

According to them, R. Pratasevičius did not receive medical assistance in Minsk medical institutions.

“R. Pratasevičius was not taken to the medical institutions of the city of Minsk. However, information from two unrelated sources suggests that Raman was examined in a detention center by a specialist from the Republican Medical Center of the Board of Affairs President of the Republic of Belarus. His status and the fact that he was not allowed to meet with the lawyer with whom the agreement was concluded for a long time. In addition, we received information that Lukashenko himself had broken the nose of a journalist detained, ”reported Telegram.

Unfortunately, for obvious reasons, we are unable to provide documentary evidence. On the other hand, there is no smoke without fire, and BYPOL has no doubt that the dictator descended to the point where he himself defeated the opponent. In any case, draw conclusions, for you ”, concludes BYPOL.

R. Pratasevičius appeared at a press conference organized by the Belarusian authorities on Monday and assured that he was feeling very well and asked not to spread rumors about his health.

He called the joke information on social media “Telegram” that he had been beaten by Lukashenko.

“I’m not going to comment, it’s just fun,” he said.

According to him, the stains on the hands, which were seen during the interview on ONT television, are marks from handcuffs.

“I have arrest marks on my hands because the agents were not wearing handcuffs. (…) Regarding my health problems, I have heard many liars about my health. very good mood, ”said R. Pratasevičius.

Belarusian state television has previously shown an interview with Pratasevich, during which he spoke similar things, but this interview was condemned by the Belarusian opposition and the international community, saying that the detainee was clearly under pressure. His parents have also expressed concern about the opposition’s poor health and called on the international community to help save him.

R. Pratasevičius, who flew from Athens to Vilnius in a plane, together with others, founded the Belarusian opposition channel Nexta on the Telegram platform, which Minsk considers an extremist, and his friend, Sofia, a Russian citizen studying in Vilnius, was detained at Minsk Airport on May 23.

A lawyer for S. Sapega, a Russian national detained in Vilnius and studying in Belarus, said on Monday that two criminal cases had been filed against her.

As a result of the incident, EU countries closed their airspace to Belarusian planes and asked airlines to stop flying over the country.

Belarusian state television has previously shown an interview with Pratesevich, during which he spoke similar things, but this interview was condemned by the Belarusian opposition and the international community, claiming that the detainee is clearly under pressure.

Following last August’s presidential elections in Belarus, which the opposition and Western democracies see as manipulated, Belarus has been rocked for months by unprecedented mass protests. Mr. Lukashenko was declared the winner of that vote and secured for the sixth term.

S. Cichanouskaja, who challenged A. Lukashenko in the elections, was forced to withdraw to Lithuania after them. In suppressing the mass protests, Belarusian officials detained thousands of people, many of whom were sentenced to severe prison terms.

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