On the women’s beach of Palanga, the slopes satisfy a passion


The women’s beach in Palanga is shrouded in various legends and stories. It is a private beach that men avoid from afar. It has been made clear to them that not only should they not visit here, but those who do, as the stories say, will have to hear substantial morals or be fined.

There are species of people who cannot sunbathe, bathe or enjoy nature with their clothes. Some simply want to tan every part of the body.

Nudist beaches have been created for these people. Here they can rest without clothes.

(12 photos)

PHOTO GALLERY. There is a market on the beach of Palanga women

Shopping on the beach

It seems that on the women’s beach of Palanga, the slopes not only sunbathe or enjoy the wind with body, but also satisfy a passion: shopping. As soon as you enter the beach, you will find underwear stacked on the sand, various stalls, attached clothing, and cosmetics or perfumes.

There is a lot to find: at the beginning of the market, it is offered to buy dresses and T-shirts, as well as to sell clothes from world famous brands.

Victoria’s Secret cosmetics are placed on a counter, and there are also stylish multi-colored protective masks.

Almost the most popular product on the market located on the female beach is lingerie. Here, bras and panties are placed directly on the platforms pushed out of the sand. Sheets laid on sand and goods laid on them.

The slopes rise from the blankets where they were burned, reach the market, and the clothes are measured on the spot. There are no metering booths and they don’t even seem to be very necessary. Women wear underwear, they measure it here and now.

Some vendors are also naked, with towels and rugs visible right next to their stalls. Some merchants, when they see customers, rise from the carpets where they were burned to serve them.

Women help each other to choose, advise, inspect, and if something is not appropriate, they give to try another product. There is another mirror in the beach market.

There is a market on the beach of Palanga women

Buy when the weather is good

When asked what the prices of goods are, a woman says the question is “very strange.”

However, other traders name the prices. You can buy a bra on the beach for women for up to 16 euros. Normally, a bra costs 10 euros, and the 16, as the seller praises, is probably the most expensive on the whole beach.

The prices of pants here, according to traders, are said to be lower than in supermarkets. The cheapest panties on the beach cost 2 euros, and the most expensive about 7 euros.

You can see casual, elegant and sports underwear.

You can also buy swimsuits. Their prices here also vary, usually between 20 and 40 euros.

As a woman who sells swimwear says, the demand for women on the beach is there. Especially when the sun is hot.

“When the weather is nice, it really pays off. When it’s cold, it’s worse ”, the saleswoman briefly comments.

Women can only pay for products at the women’s beach market in cash, women do not have payment cards.

There is a market on the beach of Palanga women

Men are not welcome

We passed the women’s border and a simple beach with two male vacationers. These stop at the women’s beach. They turn to each other, one of them scratches his neck, both men turn around and start going the way they came.

When asked what made them turn around, both men laughed.

“Well, women go to bed, somehow uncomfortable, they don’t want to,” smiles the vacationer.

Both men say they have heard of cases in the past where men who get caught on a women’s beach are fired or even beaten by women who are on fire here.

“There have been stories that women here start kicking men or calling the police, it’s scary,” laughs one of the vacationers.

There is a market on the beach of Palanga women

About a dozen complaints a year

Palanga rescue commander Jonas Pirožnikas says there are complaints from women on the beach. The situation is slightly different on the men’s beach: men have no complaints.

“It just came to our attention then. There was a case where a man came to the women’s beach and saw the women bathing naked. I had to take out a citizen like that. Last year I rode a jet ski, I grabbed it. hand in hand and dragged her to the ground.

He lost his shorts, he screamed that I had stopped them, but when he pulled with the motorcycle, there is a turbine at the bottom and he stopped, ”says J. Pirožnikas.

Generally, as the commander of the expert arts says, if men pass a women’s beach without looking anywhere and with their heads down, they do not cause problems for women. However, if there are those who come to the beach and the woman looks maliciously, they report the men on the beach to the police or rescuers.

“Sometimes the drone flies to the women’s beach. We work together with the police, they help us, we work for them, the Public Order Department works,” says J. Pirožnikas.

The interviewee says that there are usually between 15 and 20 complaints from women on the beach during the summer.

There is a market on the beach of Palanga women

The visit is subject to a fine.

The municipality of the city of Palanga knows the market on the women’s beach. Aušra Dangėlaitienė, head of the Tolls Department of the Municipal Administration of the City of Palanga, declares that it is legal.

“Permits to trade in non-food products are issued on Palanga beach (only on women’s beach)”, is written in the comment of A. Dangėlaitienė transmitted by tvanga.lt of the municipality of Palanga.

Inga Šileikienė, chief specialist of the Public Order Division of the Municipal Administration of the City of Palanga, says that women do not complain to men about the beach.

“The municipality has not received any complaints about men visiting women on the beach last year or this year,” writes I. Šileikienė.

However, the municipality warns that non-compliance with prescribed beach regulations and men’s visits to women’s beaches could jeopardize liability.

“The rules of safe behavior of the municipality of the city of Palanga in the water of surface water bodies and in surface water bodies prohibit men from visiting women’s beaches and women from visiting men. Liability for violation of these rules is provided for in article 491 of the ANC of the Republic of Lithuania. 1 d. ”- comments I. Šileikienė.

According to that article, men or women who visit a beach of the opposite sex face a fine of between 16 and 60 euros.
