A worrying fact about alcohol consumption has come to light: doctors notice heartbeat


The curve of statistics of alcohol consumption every year since 2012. Periodically, it rose again last year – a person aged 15 years or more had 11.4 l of absolute alcohol, compared to the previous year – 0, 3 l more. Statistics on tobacco use are also disappointing: the number of smokers has dropped just 1% in six years.

Awakening invites hearts

According to cardiologists, when it comes to the effects of alcohol and smoking, it is important to pay attention not only to diseases whose diagnosis is directly related to these harmful habits, but also to those to which they can contribute to their exacerbation or exacerbation. .

Patients with cardiovascular diseases should pay special attention: according to preliminary data from the Institute of Hygiene, last year more than half (52.7%) of all deaths were caused by diseases of the circulatory system.

The influence of alcohol and tobacco on SCC has been known for a long time, but statistics on both harmful habits and deaths show that Lithuanians are in no rush to change their lifestyle.

Alcohol has toxic effects and is responsible for the destruction of some cells, including the heart. In addition, regular consumption of prescription drinks can cause heart failure, alter your normal rhythm, increase blood pressure and “bad” cholesterol. It is the increase in cholesterol one of the most important factors responsible for the development of cardiovascular diseases.

It is worth thinking more about the health of those who not only abuse alcohol but also smoke. Harmful substances in tobacco products damage the inner walls of blood vessels, can cause hypertension, and also promote bad cholesterol.

Medicines help, but that’s not enough

Regular checkups and monitoring of your cholesterol levels are essential for those seeking to reduce their risk of developing COCs. Patients who cannot naturally lower their “bad” cholesterol with the help of a family doctor or cardiologist are often given statins.

Doctors have recognized them as one of the most effective and important tools in the fight against cholesterol and heart disease. In addition, statins can reduce the risk of recurrent heart attack and stroke.

Although medications help fight cardiovascular disease and can be given as a preventive measure, it is important to understand that this is not enough. Quitting bad habits and other recommendations from your treating physician should be the first step towards a healthier lifestyle.

It is also worth noting that drinking alcohol can cause more harm to the body, so it is worth giving up on drinks with degrees or at least consulting a doctor about their use.
