After 7 years of savings, Siras realized her dream: she opened her own private clinic in the Lithuania region.


The Bahaa Clinic building in Taurage already attracts attention before your arrival. It stands out with its drawings on the walls, and a large poster in large letters announces that the Implantera dental clinic is located here.

Entering through the door, the view is even more spectacular. In front of your eyes, a luxurious reception, and when you approach, a huge chandelier.

When we arrive, Bahaa is still busy with the patient, but soon he is leaving, already taking us to the third floor, to one of the several three-story offices in the clinic to sit down for an interview.

“It just came to our knowledge then. With me, people have signed up 2-3 weeks in advance,” says Bahaa in a soft and beautiful Lithuanian language at the same time. He explains that clients come to him from different Lithuanian cities, as well as from the capital.

Bahaa – a Syrian, and once came to Lithuania for love.

“I studied dentistry in France and met my future wife in Lithuania. I am an immigrant of love ”, the story begins and he says that he has lived in Lithuania since 2009.

The Lithuanian language was not a big challenge for him. Only three months; It took him so long to learn Lithuanian and he has already started working as a dentist.

Bahaa says that her plans to have her own clinic came immediately after her arrival in Lithuania. According to him, the most important thing was to talk to clients and delve into the health system in our country.

His first job was in Raseiniai, where he worked as an oral surgeon, and he also went to Jurbarkas and Tauragė to work. Bahaa says she has saved 7 years for her own clinic.

“I saved for my sleep. I even tidied up our house later than I set up the clinic. I started here first, then only there.

By nature, we have the thought that you invest first in business and only then in your life, because you must have that foundation, the foundation. As long as a person is young, they have to work, ”he says.

700 square meters. subway. The clinic we visited was opened by the businessman in September 2019.

“It just came to our knowledge then. It was very deserted and I hadn’t worked here for a long time. We negotiated a bit, money was needed for the repairs, but the total investment was considerable,” says Bahaa, who did not want to reveal the exact amount.

He says he wanted such a large building to provide not only dental services, but also plastic surgery and cosmetic beauty treatments at his clinic.

“We have these types of lasers, which are the only ones in Lithuania with us. Of course, a great investment, everyone says it may not be worth it in Taurage, but I see the business differently,” says the man. .

According to him, if everyone thinks that as much money as is invested and has to be returned, businesses will never be built.

“It just came to our attention then. It will succeed, it will succeed, it will not succeed, so what will it do? I’m a doctor, not an entrepreneur, I want to make my vision come true, I want to make my dream come true,” says Bahaa.

Today, his company has about 16 full-time employees, some of them part-time, so the total number of male employees is about 25.

Customers say that people who come and go from the surrounding cities come to Tauragiai themselves, mainly, they explain, through referrals.

“He comes from Raseiniai, Šilalė, from other districts, Vilnius,” he says, saying that he travels to Jurbarkas one more working day a week.

“I cannot leave my patients there. It is a moral obligation ”, he explains.

Bahaa says she never regretted that many years ago she came to Lithuania to create her life.

“I don’t regret a single day when I came here.

Not everywhere happiness is how much you earn in a day, because in Germany, Switzerland, where I worked, I know how to work less and earn more, but there are other things, there are people, the environment, nature, family. They are more important than work.

A person can work and earn anywhere, all they need is a wish, ”he says.

Bahaa also gives us a little tour of the clinic. It shows the operating room, the rooms where the clients stay, other treatment rooms.

He also takes you to the second floor of his office, which is one of the largest in the clinic and displays the equipment here.

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