There is already a great shortage of these specialists in Lithuania: finding an employee is an impossible mission


Forestry studies balance on the edge of danger

Dean of the Faculty of Forests and Ecology of the Academy of Agriculture of the Vytautas University Magnus prof. Dr. Edmundas Bartkevičius warns that interest in forestry studies has been declining in the last 10 years, but it is the last three years that are extremely worrying, balancing on the border, when a group of students in this field may not even is formed.

Remember that during this period, the number of students was slightly higher in 2013-2015, when forestry studies attracted between 75 and 80 students each. Since then, the numbers have been declining, with groups of 10-15 students studying forestry for the past three years.

“It just came to our knowledge then. At university, subject studies are done when a group of 10 students is formed. I really hope that this year a large group of nature-loving graduates will choose forestry studies,” says E. Bartkevičius with hope.

So what led to such a decline in interest in forestry studies? In answering this question, E. Bartkevičius states that he sees several reasons that show that the smaller number of studies is determined not so much by decreased interest as by “technical” barriers to entry.

“It all started with the educational reform, which was introduced when Gintaras Steponavičius was Minister of Education and Science. He introduced the so-called student” baskets “, which were little given to agricultural studies, and therefore had to compete with other fields of study of the biomedical sciences, such as medicine, pharmacy, etc. However, the forestry curriculum was popular: some students entered paid places, the price was not as high, and there were not as many restrictions as today.

As the reform progressed, it was decided to separate medicine from agriculture by distributing “baskets” for students, which resulted in less competition for students and a better situation: the number of students had increased to 75-80 “, says E. Bartkevičius.

Review, associative photo.

Review, associative photo.

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

However, he attributes the further decline in student numbers in the forestry field to the growing competitive minimum score, which is becoming increasingly difficult to achieve for graduates considering forestry. According to E. Bartkevičius, this is a big problem, because these studies are thought more often by regional graduates, for whom the poster of admission to university studies has risen too high, taking into account the usual school results of those interested In forestry.

“In 2015, a minimum competitive score, one unit, was introduced. In 2016, it went up to two, in 2017, to three. Growing up in this way each year, the competitive minimum score for the past two years is already 5.4, and children in schools in most regions simply don’t meet it. Most of the students entering forestry and other agricultural studies are students from the regions. poor but it is true, but the “hundred” citizens of the city rarely choose these sciences, “says the dean of the Faculty of Forests and Ecology.

There may be problems in the future due to the lack of specialists.

According to him, the observed trend is worrying not only for universities, but also for the main employers of specialists in danger; For these, the decrease in the number of people entering forestry means “aging” of forestry specialists, difficulties in finding suitable specialists in the future. .

When asked what is being done at the moment to avoid a shortage of forestry specialists in the future, E. Bartkevičius mentions several measures, including calling on politicians to apply exceptions to competitive scoring for agricultural studies. The professor, who attends the annual meeting of the deans of the forestry faculties of European countries, says that he does not see another country where such obstacles would be created for the training of the necessary specialists.

“There are no restrictions in any European country that prevent the entry of a graduate. Each university, according to a certain methodology, selects the best candidates from those who apply, but we have a cartel that does not allow or approve those they want. If nothing changes, in the long run we will feel the consequences: forestry will stop, there will be no more highly qualified employees. Probably only when there are no more forestry specialists will it be considered how to restore higher forestry education “, says the professor.

According to him, one of the most important tasks now is to raise the prestige of the forestry profession, which has suffered with the reform of state forest management: it is important to speak of foresters not only cutting down, but also growing, restoring forestry society. , it would be suitable for people to rest, recreation. It should be explained to the public that today’s beautiful forests in Lithuania are the result of a hundred years of sincere work on the part of foresters.

Campgrounds (SE State Forest Enterprise)

Campings (SE state forestry company)

When asked what awaits graduates of forestry studies today, E. Bartkevičius assures that there is no shortage of work in this field, and that graduates are welcomed in three different areas: in the state forest system, private forests, protected areas and elsewhere.

“The largest employer of foresters was SFE, which has now been merged into a state forestry company. It includes most of the graduates and the rest work in smaller companies that serve private forest owners. Many foresters work in protected areas because forestry is close to nature conservation. I can confidently assure you that graduates of forestry studies are not at risk of unemployment. Most of the students of the Faculty of Forestry and Ecology find employment by profession while already studying.

There is more good knowledge. In the future, students may be offered additional scholarships or paid for their studies; we are looking for all ways to restore the prestige of the forestry profession and attract motivated graduates to their studies, ”says E. Bartkevičius.

This year, VMU Academy of Agriculture is beginning to implement an exclusive pre-study program. It is aimed at people who have a motivated connection between their future and their career and agriculture and forestry, business, but are not yet ready to enter university studies, they lack the necessary knowledge for studies.

During preparatory studies, individuals will have the opportunity to start studying the introductory subjects of the selected study program of the VMU Academy of Agriculture, to better familiarize themselves with the university, the agricultural and forestry sector, to acquire the necessary knowledge for the studies . Program participants, with the help of competent professors, will prepare for the maturity exams required for admission to undergraduate studies at the Vytautas Magnus University Academy of Agriculture.

Finding a forest worker is a great challenge today

The average salary of forestry employees on the page ranges between 635 euros (minimum wage after taxes) and 1,354 euros (maximum average salary after taxes, the real maximum salary is higher).

For example, the state forestry company, which is looking for a forestry engineer in the Troškūnai forest district, Anykščiai regional subdivision, offers a salary of 1,350 to 1,620 euros (gross) for this job. The salary of the supervisor (s) of the hunting area in the Jurbarkas regional subdivision is promised from 800 to 1040 euros (gross), and hunters in the Kražiai forest district, Raseiniai regional subdivision, are offered a salary of 800 at 960 euros. (stupid).

However, CV-Online Marketing Manager Rita Karavaitienė points out that there are not as many job openings for forest workers compared to “large” areas such as commerce or other high employment areas. Finding specialists for forest workers is also not easy because there is simply a shortage of them.



“If forest workers are needed already, it is very difficult to find them, because there are not so many in the market and, after all, working in that type of work requires specific knowledge and experience. For example, it is possible to compare that every month we publish around 1000 job offers for IT specialists and up to 10 offers for forestry employees ”, says R. Karavaitienė.

Interest is also determined by prevailing fashions, image, and prestige.

The CV-Online marketing manager notes a severe shortage of participants not only in forestry, but also in other field studies. Although these are not the only areas where there are not enough students each year, in the future this shortage may lead to unsatisfactory demand from the labor market, and R. Karavaitien especialmente is especially concerned about the insufficient number of students entering related fields. technology and engineering.

The CV-Online marketing manager points out several reasons why the forestry field is receiving less interest every year. According to R. Karavaitienė, the insufficient number of students in the field of forestry can be influenced not only by limited opportunities for students to become familiar with the diversity of specialties, but also by prevailing fashions, image and prestige.

“We have a preconceived opinion about various fields of study, an idea of ​​what work can be done after completing one or another study, and this is not necessarily true. For this reason, higher education institutions must take care to form a positive image of studies, educate students, inform them about studies, professions, future jobs and careers and, of course, take care of advertisements, applying them to the target audience ”. says R. Karavaitienė.

According to her, it would be very simple and easy if the students themselves understood the meaning, the value, the benefits of one study or another and chose them out of the blue. However, this is not the case.

“For students to be able to opt for certain studies, both the contribution of the Ministry of Education and the work of higher education institutions and school career specialists are needed. It may take several years before there is a significant change in the fields of study that will be prioritized. Students still choose the easy way: social sciences and humanities, but it is not so easy to attract students to engineering sciences and technology, ”says CV-Online’s marketing manager.

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