A Lithuanian who wanted to go abroad with his family was outraged by the current procedure: why that circus?


The husband was outraged to learn that only he and his wife would be able to enjoy the benefits of the digital certificate and that their children, who are not yet vaccinated, would remain subject to quarantine requirements upon their return from abroad. According to current regulations, minors under 16 who return from abroad. A COVID test is not required, but self-isolation is required. According to the interlocutor, the good news was reported that the green passport was already in operation at the European level, causing much disappointment in his family.

“After hearing this news, we rushed to see where we could fly during the holidays. There are many countries that gladly accept families with digital certificates, and children (who cannot have this document) do not need to be isolated upon arrival, but when they return to Lithuania, the children must be isolated! So, for adult family members, that certificate does not make sense … Who is that circus for? Why the incentive to get vaccinated faster if you have 10 days to sit at home with the child when I return from the trip? ”The man was outraged.

He wonders if that requirement is really justified and makes sense. According to Vilnius residents, Lithuania still has a high morbidity rate, higher than in other countries, which can be visited without self-isolation.

“Where is the logic when people who want to go to rest in a safer place are discriminated against by children who cannot obtain a digital certificate and punished for self-isolation when they return? Modified double standards apply. If you are vaccinated and have a passport of opportunity, go with the children to Lithuania as much as you want. It allows you to go together without restrictions. And here, if you can think of a place to fly, you have to close with the child when you return. I don’t understand the logic. what’s this done? Is there a special attempt here to stop everyone in Lithuania for the summer and boost the Lithuanian economy? But you try to ask for something! All the houses and apartments on Booking or AirBNB are looted or the prices are space.

Until a few weeks ago, I was happy with the vaccination and thought that I could soon make up a couple of years when I had to refrain from traveling, but now I am very disappointed. Such a feeling that families have not been thought of. As during the quarantine of the whole school year, the children were hit on the head of the parents, and they had to work and teach the children, so in the summer the same: turn around, cute families, as you know . I would like to believe that this happened only through carelessness, and the authorities will soon understand that a fool has been done. Because the opportunities to rest elsewhere for a decent price are melting very quickly in the summer “, – he did not hide his disappointment. Delphi reader.

A Lithuanian who wanted to go abroad with his family was outraged by the current procedure: why that circus?

According to the Ministry of Health, the issue of children’s self-isolation is under discussion, perhaps we will have a clearer understanding next week. According to SAM, this requirement is logical: it is part of a whole set of measures aimed at preventing the introduction of dangerous strains of coronavirus in Lithuania.

“Children, especially older ones, can spread the virus on their own, and vaccination of their parents is not a decisive criterion for risk management, especially since returnees under the age of 16 are not required to be tested for COVID-19. However, it must also be taken into account that very young children are always with their parents, so the issue of their isolation is the most relevant at this time and can be reviewed, “replied the Ministry.

Delphi It has already announced this Tuesday, ahead of schedule, the launch of the COVID-19 digital certification system in seven countries to facilitate travel in the EU. A document called the digital green certificate recorded whether people had been fully vaccinated, recovered from the coronavirus, or 72 hours later. her test result was negative during the period. People can travel more freely if at least one of these three criteria is met. The digital certificate is operational from Tuesday in seven EU countries: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Croatia and Poland. According to a report from the European Commission, more countries will join in the next few days or weeks. Lithuania is marked on the EC map as technically ready for introduction.

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