D.Dundzys won the European Championship bronze medal, impressively improving his personal record | sports


Jonas Baltrušaitis’s student achieved the best result on the fourth attempt, when he pushed the ball 14 meters, 85 centimeters. This is a result of 1 meter 5 centimeters better than D. Dundzis’ previous personal record, which was recorded in Dubai earlier this year.

The second silver position was won by the Russian athlete Albertas Chinčagovas of the Lithuanian representative, who reached the result of 15 meters and 19 centimeters in the last attempt. D.Dundzys still had the last chance, but the Lithuanian did not take it and improved his personal record again.

“The Bronze Boy is back,” D. Dundzys joked after the Bydgoszcz Stadium competition, having earned the nickname “Bronze Boy” due to constantly winning bronze awards.

The athlete won bronze in 2016. and 2018. At the 2017 European Championships world priorities.

“The emotions are good because I improved my personal record by meters. I surprised myself. I am very satisfied with this result, we will try to improve it further. I’m not mad at the Russian. We congratulate each other and so on, “said D. Dundzys.

Gold went to Ukraine’s Mykolas Žabniakas, whose pushed ball landed at the 16-meter 2-centimeter mark. The Ukrainian athlete has been attacking Mindaugas Bilius since 2016. belonging to the European Championship record, but he fell short of 5 centimeters.

“Very strong competitors. I think maybe they mentioned Donat as well to show him who he is. He did it. We are happy to have won another medal for Lithuania. Clearly, we were expecting a medal. It was possible to take the silver, but what you will do, sport is sport, ”said D. Dundzis’s coach, J. Baltrušaitis.

Lithuanian athletes have already won four medals at the Old Continent championships in Poland: Andrius Skuja won gold, Jonas Spudis won silver and Kęstutis Skučas and D. Dundzys won bronze.

D.Dundzys will continue to participate in the discus throwing competition of this championship.

On Thursday at the Bydgoszcz Stadium, runner Petras Krapikas set a personal record, which was faster than ever in the 400-meter race (54.78 sec.) Of the T13 class and reached the final in the seventh half. However, in the final, Alfonsas Buliuolis’ pupil lacked a bit of strength and finished eighth (55.95 seconds).

K.Skučas was fifth in the 100-meter wheelchair race in the T52 class (20.16 seconds). On Friday, the Kaunas resident will start in the 1500 meter event, where he will defend the title of European Runner-up.

June 1-5 Lithuania is represented by sixteen athletes at the European Championships underway in Bydgoszcz.
