Hundreds of Lithuanians participated in the Belarusian support campaign organized by S. Cichanouskaja


S.Cichanouskaja addressed the campaign participants with sensitive words.

“It has been a year since I saw my husband live directly. At the time, he couldn’t imagine how Belarus and the rest of the world would change over the years.

A year ago, we would not have believed that the presidential elections could change something, and not be an ordinary fiction, as before.

We could not believe that we ordinary people could resist someone who had been sitting in the House of Independence for many years and had been spat on his people.

That we will see so many people at the rallies that we will not be able to count them.

And we would not have believed that we would face such pain, that it is impossible to forgive and simply translate a new resume, ”S. Chichanouskaya told the audience.

He says “in every meeting, in every interview” that the regime has carried out a real occupation and that 9 million Belarusians are in danger.

“The last week has become a catalyst for the reaction of the whole world.” Different countries are launching investigations, imposing sanctions on the regime and expressing their support for plans to help Belarus, “said Ms Chichanouskaya.

Cichanouskaya’s husband, who ran for president last year, is accused of organizing mass riots, inciting public discord, obstructing the work of the Central Election Commission (CEC) and organizing serious violations of public order.

Belarus CRC in 2020 rejected Cichanouski’s attempt to run for president.

Mr. Cichanouskaya was allowed to run in his place.

But after declaring authoritarian President A. Lukashenko, who has led the country since 1994, once again the winner of the elections, she was forced to leave for Lithuania.

Wishing to find ourselves in a free country

Several Belarusians were forced to flee the country due to the repression of the Lukashenko regime.

Boris, who lives in Vilnius, said he expected the criminal regime to collapse soon.

“If we have already started fighting, we cannot afford to stop halfway. I came here to support S.Cichanouskio. I hope he is released soon and we will all find ourselves in a free country,” said the campaign participant.

In his opinion, sanctions on the regime could be further toughened.

“It doesn’t have to last a day,” Boris said of Lukashenko’s presidency.

The first people have already died, Lukashenko has already hijacked the plane. Our children are tortured and raped in remand cells. We must demand real sanctions. They are not because the West is bad, but because we Belarusians demand very little of them, ”said Victoria, an activist who attended the campaign, through the announcer.

Members of Seimas Jurgita Sejonienė and Emanuelis Zingeris addressed the campaign participants.

“Democracy is not an easy path, but it is the only right path and you deserve it. Don’t give up,” said J. Sejonienė.

Called to resist

During a press conference last week, Chichanouskaya said that from now on, May 29 will be a day of solidarity with Belarus.

Chichanouskaya hopes that the people of Belarus will show their opposition to the regime on Saturday.

“But the most important thing is that the people living in Belarus today stand in solidarity with each other in every possible way: through street protests, symbols, letters to political prisoners,” said the politician.

Campaigns in support of the Belarusian people are also taking place today in Brussels, Boston, Dublin, Krakow, London, Amsterdam, Tallinn, Sydney, Stockholm, Tel Aviv, Toronto, Washington and other cities around the world.

ZUMAPRESS / Scanpix nuotr./Sviatlana Cichanouskaja

ZUMAPRESS / Scanpix nuotr./Sviatlana Cichanouskaja

The regime continues its repression

The disputed elections in Belarus sparked mass demonstrations and brutal repression.

Opposition officials and some pollsters said the results were falsified.

Historic protests, in which at least four people were killed, sometimes drew as many as 200,000. Participants.

They became the biggest long-term challenge for Lukashenko during the 26 years of his repressive rule.

The European Union (EU) and the United States (US) have imposed sanctions on the authoritarian leader and several people around him by freezing their assets and banning them from entry.

A new wave of outrage in the West was caused by coercion. Athens-Vilnius passenger plane landing in Minsk.

Belarusian opposition activist and blogger on the Ryanair plane, founder of the Nexta information channel R. Pratasevičius he was arrested after the plane landed in Minsk. His girlfriend was also arrested Sofia Sapega.

This incident was discussed again tightening of sanctions against the Belarusian regime.
