The Records Center contacted the police regarding U. Kiguolis’s website on passport opportunities.


According to the spokesperson for the Registry Center Mindaugas Samkus, the question also arises as to whether the creators of have not infringed on copyright and related rights.

“That page contains misleading information about the opportunity passport. The page itself, it should be emphasized, has nothing to do with either the official opportunity passport page or its creators. We believe the information on that page is likely to be detrimental to the public at this particularly sensitive time, when we are struggling to combat the pandemic, so we ask the police to assess the consequences of releasing such information. 15 minutes The spokesperson for the Mindaugas Samkus Registry Center spoke.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Records Center

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Records Center

Initially, the deceptive website used not only the same colors, font or illustrations, but also details and contacts, as on the original page. It is true that with the upheaval of society, the authors changed the font and one drawing, and the other, with the family (see below), they eliminated completely.

The 15 minute photo / illustration copied from on a misleading website is currently removed

The 15 minute photo / illustration copied from on a misleading website is currently removed

The misleading page states that GPs will not receive those who are late in paying taxes, have debts, judge or buy harmful products. The authors also list 20 current and future locations that will require a passport of opportunity. Some of them are not discussed in the Government and are fictitious.

Registered by U. Kiguolis

The creators of the deceptive domain do not reveal their identities on the website. Internet domain search engine Who announces on its website that the misleading email address was registered on May 21 by U. Kiguolis and the Esolutions organization, better known in Lithuania as UAB Elektroniniai sprendimai.

According to, this company is run by his wife Jurgita Kiguolė.

The domain was registered on May 21, one day after the official presentation of the opportunity passport.

15min photo / information on the website

15min photo / information on the website

The IT specialist himself does not deny having created the website. The police acknowledge receipt of the request from the Records Center and will evaluate it in the near future.

The Passport of Opportunities started this week. People who have it can contact work again, it is easier to visit events, cafes, sports clubs.

Proponents of the initiative say it will help reduce business losses by allowing some activities to be opened more widely. Critics say such a regime unjustifiably discriminates against some people.

VIDEO: The Records Center contacted the police regarding the U. Kiguolis website on the opportunity passport.
