The pandemic significantly adjusted the relations between employees and employers: there have been no such changes in Lithuania for a long time


Research shows that during the quarantine, not only more activities, new solutions, creativity appeared, but also the attitude of employers towards their employees, the importance of the work environment and incentives. Psychologists say that not only in the work environment, compromise solutions, understanding and the ability to adapt to changing conditions are more necessary, but also in the family. Teleworking and learning for children at home has been and continues to be a constant challenge for some, requiring not only good management, but also the understanding and support of employers and teachers.

It is important not only to create, but also to follow the home office schedule.

In recent years, the limits of etiquette for business meetings have been extended; It is no longer surprising that a child’s face or a pet’s tail appears on the screen. According to Rasa Rakštelienė, Gjensidige’s chief of staff for the Baltic countries, the concentration and emotional state of the employee largely depend on the busy schedule at the head office. They must provide a specific time for independent activities (study, work), general (housework, other activities), leisure and recreation. The more common and clear agreements in the family, the less friction and tension there will be.
During the first quarantine, an employee survey revealed that in Lithuania up to 98 percent. respondents were satisfied with being able to work from home and avoid the risk of COVID-19 infection.

When asked about the biggest benefits of working from home, employees mentioned saving time and money, better conditions for concentrating and caring for children.

“However, being at home does not relieve parents and caregivers of their responsibilities. Therefore, colleagues more frequently mentioned difficulties in reconciling work and housework, meeting work hours and breaks.” , says R. Rakštelienė.

Rasa Rakštelienė

Rasa Rakštelienė

© Company photo

The company seeks the balance between work and leisure.

Taking into account the situations and expectations of colleagues, Gjensidige focused on strengthening people’s emotional health, fostering communication and collaboration, and introducing new tools and platforms for distance communication. R. Rakštelienė says that even a Christmas present for employees, a woolen blanket, was intended for the comfort of home.

The Chief of Staff notes that even before the Gjensidige pandemic, the employee welfare system was designed to balance work and play.

Company employees are granted an additional five days of winter vacation, one day off for a birthday, one day per year for personal use, and one additional day off for 5 years of service.

“On September 1, parents of students in grades 0-5 have a day off. We foster the tradition of inviting children of employees to our offices on the eve of Science and Knowledge Day and organizing fun chaperones. summer for them, have dinner and reward them. 2020 We take no risks and do not organize meetings, but all Gjensidige employees’ kindergartens and students under the age of 12. received a unique Gjensidige design belt bag as a gift ” , says R. Rakštelienė.

All employees are covered by health and life insurance. Health insurance conditions improve every year, giving workers the opportunity to improve their health and recover more quickly from illness.
The life insurance basket includes, among other benefits, a benefit in the event of the birth of a baby, the death of a worker or a member of his family in the event of a critical illness.

The crisis is not only experiencing challenges, it is also creating new trends, habits and solutions.
“Before each crisis, new methods and activities are born or intensify, which then take root in daily life. The biggest impetus is likely to come from activities that already have a base, but old consumer habits have hampered their wider establishment, ”said Linas Sesickas, partner at the GLIMSTEDT law firm, president of the Association’s board of directors. Investors of Lithuania. .

Teleworking, according to the lawyer, revealed the needs of companies and institutions: “This form of work was considered by many teams before the pandemic, and the current situation has created a huge testing ground where everyone can assess the needs of the employees and their work organization. . After the quarantine, most workers will go back to their jobs, but I think employers will have more freedom to choose telecommuting in the future. I think the related legislation will also change, if the employee has to accept teleworking until now, in the future it will be possible for employers to simply, at least temporarily, choose this form of work for employees ”.

L. Sesickas believes that in the post-crisis period we will maintain the accumulated experience and apply more and more innovative methods in supply chains that will be more efficient, cheaper and more environmentally friendly.

The pandemic significantly adjusted the relations between employees and employers: there have been no such changes in Lithuania for a long time.

© Photo of the organizers

Psychologists advise spending more time together

Surviving a difficult situation is always easier for those who are able to change their attitude in any situation and find advantages. And as the situation stabilizes, psychologists working with families notice alarming signs. Divorces have increased around the world, adults who used to dream of spending more time with their families and have received that time no longer know how to use it well, they no longer know how to be together, to face challenges. of the family.

Studies show that the mental state of children themselves, especially adolescents, deteriorated during the pandemic and they experienced many more difficulties than adults during this period. Many children have experienced anxiety, stress, loneliness, poor grades, apathy, and estrangement from friends.

Child psychologists advise parents to talk more with their children, to take an interest not only in science or ask everyday questions, but also to talk about the pandemic itself to give children a sense of clarity, understanding and peace. According to them, it is very important to control the emotional state and behavior of children. Sadness, closure, staying away, sleep disturbances, eating changes – these can all make a child feel bad.

Psychologists agree that family relationships are further strengthened with common, high-quality time: common rituals, mutually enjoyable activities, conversations, walks, entertainment the best we can. It is important to note that each member of the family also needs individual attention that focuses only on him or her.

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