New releases go into effect in June: more entertainment, more clubs, longer bars, bigger events


The government decided on further quarantine releases at a meeting on Wednesday. The new version of the quarantine rule substantially changes the old restrictions, some of the restrictions have disappeared.

“We agreed to extend the quarantine regime again until the end of June. We have tried to make a new version of the resolution to make it easier for everyone to use and read. We will make all the changes unanimously from June 1,” explains the Minister of Health Arūnas Dulkys.

Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė assessed that the releases are proceeding gradually, and if vaccination is carried out quickly and the situation improves, it may be clear by mid-June that the quarantine was last extended on Wednesday.

“Even so, it must be made very clear that we are still in the dark red zone, our number of cases has dropped below 500, the third day we left the black zone. It is very important that the trend is not lost along the way, ”said I. Šimonytė.

New releases go into effect in June: more entertainment, more clubs, longer bars, bigger events

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

The government notes that the number of cases of the disease in Lithuania is declining rapidly. It is argued that currently in Lithuania 41.26% have full or partial immunity after vaccination or after illness. Lithuanian population. The number of people vaccinated with one dose of the vaccine is 34.29% and with two doses of the vaccine, 19.39%. populations in general.

“Given that the currently insufficient population has full immunity after full vaccination against COVID-19, it can be stated that the majority of the Lithuanian population is still at risk of being infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus and its strains, therefore it is still necessary to comply with quarantine restrictions. “- summarized in the presentation.

Cafes will be open up to 24 hours and nightclubs will be open

On June 1, the opening hours of cafes, restaurants, bars, other establishments or entertainment venues would be extended – with the approval of the Government, the working hours of all establishments would be limited from 7 hours to 24 hours (now – until 10 pm).

Nightclubs and other entertainment venues may open if services are provided only to people with a Passport of Opportunity, as proposed in the new resolution.

In cafes, restaurants, bars without a Passport of Opportunity, it will still be possible to visit only the tables in the open spaces.

However, if only people with an Opportunity Passport are served, as before, it will be possible to visit the interior of restaurants, casinos, gambling points, etc., as well as nightclubs and other recently added entertainment venues.

The ruling no longer limits the number of people who can sit at a table (there are currently different restrictions, such as 5 people at tables outside and up to 10 people indoors). However, the restrictions are likely to be defined in separate decisions by Chief of Operations Arūnas Dulkis; the current requirements have already been described by Delfi.

“The activities are organized according to the conditions for the management of the flow of people, observance of a safe distance, conditions necessary for public health, security, hygiene, provision of people with the necessary personal protective equipment established by the State of Emergency. Operations Manual, “

The Vice Minister of Economy and Innovation Vincas Jurgutis affirmed that the epidemiological situation allows to take advantage of some activities

“At the same time, the nightclub ban, which used to be a ban, is being lifted. (…) There are no more restrictions on the number of people in the resolution and this is transferred to the regulations of the Operations Manager, which will allow a faster and more flexible response to the epidemiological situation ”, says V. Jurgutis.

Outdoor cafe

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

It is defined that cafes or restaurants in airport or seaport terminals, as before, could serve a maximum of 2 people, or a family, a home at a table.

Working time restrictions will not apply when catering services are provided to recipients of hotels, rural tourism farms or other accommodation establishments.

Merchants will be able to let in more customers

Restrictions for merchants will change from June 1 to 15 sq. M. meters per visitor or greater restrictions.

“Previously, there were several different requirements: both for a separate entrance and for 15 m2. meters. Now the conditions are equal for all the points of sale, which guarantees 10 m2 M. meters per visitor ”, says A. Dulkys.

The activities of shops, markets and other public points of sale must be organized in such a way as to guarantee at least 10 square meters of commercial space per visitor. If there is not so much space, it will be possible to serve only one person at a time, as proposed in the resolution. This means that grocery stores will be able to admit 50 percent. more visitors.

Until now, essential goods stores had to provide an area of ​​15 square meters, non-essential goods – 20 square meters. meters, and in supermarkets or covered markets a person had to be at least 50 m2. Area meters.

New releases go into effect in June: more entertainment, more clubs, longer bars, bigger events

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

For service providers: 10 m2 M. meters of area

Until now, the quarantine ban on the provision of services remains in force if the contact between the provider and the recipient is required for more than 15 minutes at the time of provision, with many exceptions, such as for beauty salons, etc.

As of June 1, the restriction on the provision of contact services will be completely removed and all contact services will be allowed.

However, it would be mandatory to provide at least 10 square meters per recipient of the service. This restriction does not apply to transportation, accommodation establishments, as well as where there are other restrictions: sports clubs, cinemas or discos, cafes, restaurants, bars, educational and social services, health institutions, etc.

The area limitation would not apply if only people with an Opportunity Passport are served.

In museums, galleries, zoos or botanical gardens, cultural institutions, libraries, reading rooms, educational and educational trails, parks, exhibition halls or others, etc., if the spaces are closed, 10 m2 M. meters, except when only People with an Opportunity Passport are served. In open spaces, the area restriction will no longer apply.

Threatened industry

Threatened industry

More freedom for hotels, rural tourism

Restrictions on hotels, rural tourism farms or other lodging establishments were no longer removed in the new resolution. Until now, the resolution has limited the number of people who can stay in a room, there were differences between those who had and not the Passport of Opportunities.

For example, until April 1. is limited to one family or household member per room, unless an Opportunity Passport is available.

In addition, catering services in hotels will no longer be subject to the opening hours restrictions that apply to other restaurants or cafes.

However, the remaining requirements apply to other services, such as swimming pools, saunas, or contact services.

New releases go into effect in June: more entertainment, more clubs, longer bars, bigger events

Will allow more entertainment: 20 square meters M. meters, or passport of opportunity

As of June 1, all leisure, sports, gym, entertainment, recreation clubs, swimming pools, discos, dance halls, cinemas and movie clubs will be available, but at least 20 m2. meters per visitor. The restriction does not apply to saunas, pleasure boats, high performance sports exercises.

If the services are provided only to people who have an Opportunity Passport, the area restriction also does not apply, but the established security, traffic management and other conditions must be guaranteed.

Cinemas and event organizers will be able to sell more tickets.

Cinema, theater or other commercial or non-commercial cultural, entertainment, sporting events, fairs, celebrations and festivals will require compliance with flow management, safe distances and other hygiene and safety conditions. Tickets must be distributed electronically, visitor registration and access to the venue must be controlled,

As of June 1, no more than 250 spectators (until then – 150) can participate in events in closed spaces, they cannot occupy more than half of the seats (until then – 30% of the seats), they must be used masks during the entire event, food and beverage trade is prohibited.

In open spaces, the event could have up to 500 spectators (until then – 300), only in seats (excluding animal exhibits). Masks must also be worn and trade in food and beverages is not allowed.

New releases go into effect in June: more entertainment, more clubs, longer bars, bigger events

With the Passport of Opportunities, if all visitors have it, larger events are possible. Since June 1 – 1000 spectators or participants inside, occupying 75 percent. seats (up to 500). It is necessary to wear masks, food and drink trade is not allowed.

Events with 5,000 spectators or participants will already be allowed in the open spaces with the Opportunity Passport, there is no restriction on the sale of food or beverages, and there is no requirement to wear masks.

In all cases, restrictions on the number of people do not include participants, athletes participating in the competition, judges, organizers, service personnel, etc. They do not need to have an Opportunity Passport, but it is important to follow other defined requirements.

It is possible to return to the office according to security requirements.

People without an Opportunity Passport will be able to return to offices or other workplaces after June 1, subject to the requirements defined by the Operations Center Manager. There is also the possibility to work and serve clients remotely. Until now, only those who have the Passport of Opportunities have had that opportunity.

It is mandatory to ensure the performance of the necessary immediate functions (works) established by law.

You will no longer have to cover a distance of 1 meter when traveling by bus

As of June 1, the number of seats or standing places will no longer be limited when traveling by regular passenger transport within or between cities (until now, it was possible to sit or stand at a distance of at least one meter). However, other conditions for flow management, hygiene and protection set by the operations manager will need to be met and will be set separately.

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