In February he fell ill with coronavirus, but still has not recovered the money: Sodra demands tests


Interlocutor Delfi said that a Lithuanian company had been sent to work in Sweden. Therefore, he explained, he was insured in Lithuania. February 1-7 there he had coronavirus and could not work.

“At first I thought it was just a cold, so I was hoping to recover during the weekend after work on Friday. I took cold medicine and thought it would help. Unfortunately, I felt bad again on Monday, when a Swedish doctor diagnosed me with coronavirus, “he explained.

Therefore, continuing the story, she decided to pick up the newsletter as she was unable to work due to illness. However, when he returned to Lithuania and decided to get the money back, he was very disappointed.

“I still do not receive sick pay. Sodra said on the phone that she had not received the newsletter retrospectively from my doctor in Vilnius. I informed her that I had become ill with a crown and asked her for a ballot to receive disability benefit.

The doctor then asked him about the results of the COVID-19 test and told him to prescribe the inability to work. After the business trip, I brought him those results, both at work and in the hospital, and still translated them into Lithuanian, because he demanded it. “

Then, the man said, the doctor told him that he had sent a newsletter to Sodra.

Sodra was silent for about a month, I finally called them and they replied that they had not received the newsletter. Then I send them the results directly. They wrote that there must be a medical report stating that he had to be quarantined for 7 days.

The Swedish doctor wrote this and sent it back to Sodra. Then they wrote to me that there was still not enough evidence, “he said disappointed.

What more evidence do I need to provide? When I was sick, my symptoms were: I had a temperature of 38 degrees, it was difficult for me to breathe, I coughed and my nose ran.

The man also shared with Delfi the documents he sent both to the doctor in Lithuania and to Sodra. He also said he was disappointed that the company that sent him couldn’t help, and Sodra still hasn’t agreed to transfer the money.

In February he fell ill with coronavirus, but still has not recovered the money: Sodra demands tests

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

He explained the current procedure.

The representatives of Sodra regretted, but could not comment on the specific situation regarding the protection of personal data. At the same time, it indicated that Sodra provides sickness benefits and pays the benefit within the prescribed period after the date of issuance of the certificate of inability to work and the receipt of other necessary documents.

“In case of doubts about the validity of the benefit, Sodra specialists have the right to request additional documents and carry out control of incapacity for work. However, benefits are paid out of contributions paid by all residents of the country, so it is very important to ensure that benefits are provided in a reasonable and fair manner.

Residents who have received medical services outside of Lithuania must submit extracts of personal medical documents from medical institutions that have assessed the health status and working capacity of people, ”the written response says.

According to the representatives, the data indicated in the certificates of incapacity for work issued by other states (that is, documents on the basis of which benefits are paid under the legislation of a particular state) are insufficient to confirm temporary incapacity for the work and the concession of the disease. benefits under the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania.

“If, upon the arrival of a foreign person, the treatment continues in Lithuania due to the change of the documents confirming the incapacity for work received outside Lithuania by electronic certificates, the attending physician can also request it. In this case, the certificate of incapacity for work will be issued by the attending physician with the permission of Sodra.

Sickness benefit for a person who has visited a foreign country (countries) during a government-declared emergency and / or quarantine situation and is subject to mandatory isolation due to their visit to a foreign country (countries) or has been in contact with a person suffering from a dangerous contagious disease, but not more than 14 calendar days, counted from the day of your arrival from the foreign country to the Republic of Lithuania or from the day of your contact with a person suffering from a dangerous disease disease contagious. “

He also noted that sickness benefit is not paid in the cases specified in this paragraph if a person who has left and visited a foreign country on the day of his departure from the Republic of Lithuania approved by the Minister of Health. for purposes other than professional, official and / or professional.

Thus, if the company’s employees are covered by social security in Lithuania, if they develop the Covid-19 disease (coronavirus infection) during the mission or if mandatory isolation is established due to contact with a sick person, they must request it at medical institution. of the location during the mission.

The medical report issued by the doctor with the specified duration of the temporary incapacity for work and the reason for the temporary incapacity for work can be changed to a certificate of incapacity for work when the person submits an application and documents through EGAS (menu item “Requests”, selecting “General application”).

If company employees who have been in contact with a person with Covid-19 disease (coronavirus infection) during a business trip abroad have received an instruction from the corresponding institution abroad on mandatory isolation for a period specific, they must present it along with other documents. .

If, after submitting the documents to receive sickness benefit, it turns out that the documentation is insufficient, sickness benefit is not granted. However, upon submission of additional documents confirming the period of temporary incapacity for work and / or the period of mandatory isolation, the issuance of a certificate of incapacity for work may be reconsidered retroactively and the decision to pay may be made. the provision.

The status of concession and payment of the sickness benefit can be consulted in the personal account of Sodra for a resident ”.

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