The Seimas is scheduled to present a bill on association on Tuesday.


Along with the project, the proposal of Andrius Palionis, a member of the Labor faction, was presented, according to which only couples of different genders could form a partnership.

The initiators of the Gender Neutral Association project affirm that the Companies Law will regulate property and non-property relations of single people who cohabit. It addresses the practical problems of cohabiting partners: it allows the recognition of partial joint ownership or, if necessary, a different and mutually satisfactory legal regime for joint ownership, allows inheritance without additional taxes and creates certain personal obligations for the partner.

The bill also provides for allowing the choice of a partner or the use of a common surname, authorizing to act on behalf and interests of each, and representing the partner in the field of health care. The project also provides for access to information related to the couple’s health, the possibility of not declaring against the other in court, etc.

Darbietis proposes applying the Partnership Institute only to relationships between different sexes

The Seimas also registered a proposal by Andrius Palionis, a member of the Labor Party, for a Partnership Project, the essence of which is to abolish gender neutrality in this institute. If this “employee” proposal were supported by parliamentarians, the committees would continue to consider a law that would allow only heterosexual couples to form a partnership. This proposal is presented arguing the need to preserve the provisions of Article 38 of the Constitution.

“The purpose of the proposal is to ensure the consolidation of the provisions of article 38 of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, which enshrines the purpose and importance of the family institute, in the Association Law.”

However, Tomas Vytautas Raskevičius, a member of the Freedom Faction and one of the promoters of the Association Bill, stated that it was not the bill presented by him, but the “employee’s” proposal that contradicted the Constitution of the Republic. Lithuania and the European Convention on Human Rights.

“With regard to the Institute of Registered Associations exclusively for couples of different sexes, in 2013 the European Court of Human Rights ruled” Vallianatos v. Greece “, where it clearly states that the Civil Code allows Lithuania to form a couple only for men and women. To the Convention on Civil Liberties,” TV Raskevičius told Eltai, noting that this proposal by A. Palionis would also be incompatible with the Constitution. of our country.

“Such a proposal from colleagues is also incompatible with the 2019 Constitutional Court ruling, which details the concept of family and speaks of the protection of various possible legal instruments for various types and forms of family. It would be highly desirable for colleagues to present reasoned proposals with legal knowledge, ”said a member of the Freedom Group.

ELTA recalls that the law registered on Friday was introduced by the Speaker of the Seimas Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, the Speaker of the Freedom Party Aušrinė Armonaitė, the Speaker of the Lithuanian Christian National-Democratic Union Party (TS-LKD) Gabrielius Landsbergis, the First Minister Ingrida Šimonirdas, members of the Seimas Algim Eugenijus Gentvilas, Ieva Pakarklytė, Andrius Navickas.

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