The Family Movement is organizing a new campaign


In protests – with children

“June 1 2 pm with the children we meet in the municipalities of the city. Let’s bring colored chalk and let the children express through their work how they miss their friends and communication:” I want to go to school ” .

At that time, the mayors of the city will be presented with requirements for our children to return to school in normal life and education conditions ”, said invitation is distributed on social networks (unedited language – ed.).

It is claimed that the campaign is organized by the Family Movement, and its main motto is announced: “Do not discriminate against our children.”

“Children will say: I want to go to school, I miss my classmates, I want to hug the educator,” says the invitation.

In Kaunas, a protest campaign was carried out against the preventive tests of students

In Kaunas, a protest campaign was carried out against the preventive tests of students

© DELFI / Nerijus Povilaitis

After contacting the representative of the Family Movement, Arvydas Daunis, he confirmed that the goal of the planned protest action was to speak out against nationwide preventive testing of students for Covid-19 infection.

“There are families that do not want to test their children, they have some beliefs. And it is not appropriate to let some children go to school and not allow others. Why should there be exclusion there when it is not in other areas? “Said A. Daunys, calling the tests completely absurd and discriminatory.

He argued that children can go wherever the Opportunity Passport allows. However, they cannot attend school until the Covid-19 prophylactic tests have been performed.

“We want to restore equality among children. After all, it is a discriminatory measure, not a justified medical necessity, but a political decision, “said A. Daunys to the Delfi portal.

Doubts about whether children can transmit Covid-19 infection

The representative of the “Family Movement” mentioned that in his opinion children are the lowest risk group, so it is “completely absurd” to put them to the test.

“They are not threatening each other, that’s where the whole thing is. It seems to me that not a single child has died from coronavirus in Lithuania,” said A. Daunys.

Recalling that there is a risk that infected children transmit the infection to their families, a representative of the Family Movement presented his version. In his opinion, if children have the asymptomatic form of Covid-19, they cannot infect other people.

In Kaunas, a protest campaign was carried out against the preventive tests of students

In Kaunas, a protest campaign was carried out against the preventive tests of students.

© DELFI / Nerijus Povilaitis

“How can you infect someone if you don’t bite, don’t get tired if you don’t really get sick?” What are the symptoms is the manifestation of the disease. If you don’t have the disease, how can you infect someone? All that infection, in my personal opinion, seems very “strained”.

A. Daunys, representative of the Family Movement, mentioned that the municipalities have not yet applied for permits to issue permits for the protest actions that will take place on June 1. According to him, this will be done by the campaign coordinators. A. Daunys clarified that the “Family Movement” is not legally registered, so it cannot apply to the municipalities in its own name.

Parents did not want children to stick “sticks” up their noses

In Kaunas, near the municipal building, a protest action against the preventive tests of students has been carried out twice.

It was held for the first time on May 26 and was attended by about 150 people. The organizers of the protest rally did not get permission, so the police fined activist Rima Jasenauskiene 70 euros. After posting this information on social media, parents who were not satisfied with the test organized a fee, during which 100 euros were raised. R. Jasenauskienė said that the remaining 30 euros would go towards other protests and poster production.

In Kaunas, a protest campaign was carried out against the preventive tests of students.

In Kaunas, a protest campaign was carried out against the preventive tests of students.

© DELFI / Nerijus Povilaitis

The protest campaign was organized in Kaunas after announcing that primary school children returning to schools must submit agreements signed by their parents, agreeing that children should be prophylactically tested in a so-called cumulative way. If the parents do not agree to the examination of the child, they will only be able to continue studying remotely.

“My son is healthy when he shows symptoms, so he can be tested. Why test healthy children. The law stipulates that a health check should be carried out once a year, instead of putting a few sticks in the nose every week, which have not been validated in Lithuania, without checking anyone. I regret the experiments on our children here, “said one of the protesters.

Preventive tests are just the beginning, followed by vaccination

Versions were also heard during the protest that tests were needed to collect as many DNA samples as possible. But who needed it, no one could explain it. It has been said that the new procedure, the proposal to test periodically, is only an introduction before the future vaccination of students.

Some of the children’s parents were also outraged by the media, who said “not so much” covered up the ongoing processes and were bought, and a journalist was accused of receiving payment for her work. However, the main narrative of the campaign has been the belief that COVID-19 preventive testing of anyone in the class is unnecessary, that it violates the rights of healthy people.

In Kaunas, a protest campaign was carried out against the preventive tests of students

In Kaunas, a protest campaign was carried out against the preventive tests of students.

© DELFI / Nerijus Povilaitis

“State law stipulates that a person is tested only when there are signs of illness. The person is examined by a doctor and comes to a certain conclusion. A person is ill or not. Approve or reject. This is the way forward, approved by law, and not in an experimental way, ”said a Kaunas resident who spoke out against the assessment students.

Distance learning is called parody, but a child cannot go to school.

Another woman who participated in the protest also said that she did not want her son to participate in the “experiment.” She was outraged that refusing to do so felt discriminated against.

“If we refuse to participate in the experiment, our children will remain riveted to the Internet. I don’t think children need to be tested because they are the least sick.

My son needs to receive a quality education and, at a distance, that education is just a parody. We will not participate in any experiments, no one has the right to expel us from school, ”said the woman, suggesting that this order violates both the laws of the country and the Constitution.

In Kaunas, a protest campaign was carried out against the preventive tests of students

In Kaunas, a protest campaign was carried out against the preventive tests of students

© DELFI / Nerijus Povilaitis

What will happen to the children participating in the so-called experiment, what to fear? Kaunas couldn’t answer. She only confirmed that, in principle, she refused to participate in any experiments.

“It just came to our knowledge then. If our children are being evaluated now, they will continue to be vaccinated. And the vaccines are also experimental. I just want the authorities to take and remove the children’s hands,” said the interlocutor, assuring that there was no one vaccine that just wouldn’t want the COVID-19 vaccines currently in use.

In Kaunas, a protest campaign was carried out against the preventive tests of students

In Kaunas, a protest campaign was carried out against the preventive tests of students.

© DELFI / Nerijus Povilaitis

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