New names in the ranks of the 30 biggest contributors


Traditionally, most of the taxes to the national budget in 2020. paid by companies that sell excise goods. The first position is not lost by the oil company Orlen Lietuva. It transferred 296 million to the state budget. euros. It is true that this is 11.7 percent. less than 2019 (335 million euros).

Real estate rental and petroleum products wholesaler Okseta remained in second position: LTL 273 million. EUR and 5.8%. more than 2019 (258 million euros).

In the third, Philip Morris Baltic, which produces tobacco products: 202 million. EUR and 2.5%. more than 2019 (197 million euros).

The operator of the LNG Terminal and the petroleum products stevedoring company Klaipėdos Nafta continue to align: 198 million LTL. EUR (2019 – 179 million euros), wholesale and logistics company Sanitex – 162 million. (153 million euros in 2019), the petroleum products retailer Circle K – 144 million euros. € 141 million (€ 141 million), Mineraliniai vandenys alcohol import and marketing company: € 131 million. (108 million euros in 2019).

Maxima declined

One of the most significant changes in the leaderboard is that of 2019. Based on taxes paid, the retail chain Maxima, which ranked seventh in the STI in 2020, fell to eighth place – 125 million. euros. Thus, last year the company paid 8.1 percent. less taxes than in 2019. (136 million euros).

According to Lauryna Šaltinė, CFO of Maxima LT, the greatest impact on the amount of taxes paid by the STI in 2020 The decrease compared to 2019 was due to the change in VAT paid, which is related to the structural changes of the Maxima Group and transactions between Group companies.

„2019 Maxima LT separated the centralized purchasing function for group companies and transferred it to Maxima International Sourcing. As a result, in 2020, compared to 2019, Maxima LT’s wholesale revenue, which is subject to VAT, decreased. Furthermore, at the end of 2019, Maxima LT acquired assets from its related company Franmax and had to pay less VAT in 2020 as a result of this transaction. at the beginning of the year, ”said L. Šaltinė, Chief Financial Officer of Maxima LT.

He assured that the company had not benefited from any commercial support measure or tax incentives provided by the Government.

“During the first quarantine, Maxima LT applied to its employees a more favorable calculation of wages for downtime than that required by law. State subsidies have also not been used to pay for employee downtime, ”said Maxima’s chief financial officer.

“We are one of the largest business organizations in Lithuania and we feel compelled to help solve the crisis caused by the pandemic. Starting in 2020. In the first quarantine announced in spring 2006, we stand in solidarity with small and medium-sized businesses. located in Maxima stores, whose activities have been restricted or completely suspended and have up to 50% of their own initiative. We have reduced rents. From the start of the COVID-19 pandemic until 2021. March. more than 2.1 millions. discounts “.



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Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in spring 2020, retail chain Maxima has invested around € 6 million to ensure a safe work environment for employees and safe shopping for customers. euros.

The difference is negligible

In ninth place in terms of taxes paid in 2020. The retail chain Lidl amounted to EUR 93 million, or 19.2%. more than 2019 (78 million euros).

Ten with 86 million. The natural gas and electricity supply company Ignitis (64 million euros in 2019) completed the taxes paid.

In total, the 10 largest taxpayers in 2020. STI paid 1,713 million. and in 2019 – 1,707 billion euros.

Banks emptied their wallets

As of 2020, 5% came into force. the higher corporate tax rate has crushed the pockets of the four largest banks operating in the country.

2020 In the STI they paid 139.6 million. EUR: including 45.7 percent. more than 2019 (95.8 million euros).

Most of the banks operating in Lithuania to the STI account in 2020. paid by SEB Bank – 56.7 million. EUR, that is 57.5%. more than 2019 (36 million euros).

Swedbank paid 46.9 million LTL. EUR – 23 percent. more than 2019 (38.1 million euros), Luminor 21.5 million euros. euros, or even 80.6 percent. more than 2019 (11.9 million euros), Šiaulių bankas – 14.2 million euros. EUR, or 46.3%. more than 2019 (9.7 million euros).

“In 2020, SEB Group companies operating in Lithuania (SEB Bank, SEB Investicijų Valdymas, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB Vilnius Branch, etc.) paid a total of LTL 85.8 million to the state budget. various taxes.

SEB bankas in 2020 alone Taxes paid (excluding excise duties, VAT and Sodra taxes) amounted to 42.4 million LTL. EUR, mainly income tax (about 32.8 million euros).

2020 The increase in taxes paid was due to the use of the bank’s tax losses and the additional 5% was applied only to banks. income tax amount. If the fiscal environment does not change, we do not anticipate changes in this area in the future, “he said. sent by bank representatives.

Banks – and among the leaders in corporate tax

SEB Bank is also among the leaders in corporate tax. He paid 32.8 million. EUR, or 141.1%. more than 2019 (13.6 million euros) it ranked second.

The first to be placed was the American manufacturer of medical and scientific equipment Thermo Fisher Scientific Baltics, which paid 54.3 million. – 76.2%. more than 2019 (30.8 million euros). Swedbank came in third with 25.4 million LTL. EUR, or 10.4%. more than 2019 (23 million euros).

The fourth place was occupied by the telecommunications company Tele 2 – 11.1 million. EUR, or 12.1%. more than 2019 (9.9 million euros), the fifth – Šiaulių bankas – 9.9 million. EUR, or 106 percent. more than 2019 (4.8 million euros).

A total of 500 companies that paid the most corporate taxes in 2020 transferred LTL 507 million to the STI account. EUR, or 7.8%. more than 2019 (470 million euros).

Good news, until the end

Commenting on the tax collection situation last year, Lukas Stravinskas, an associate expert from the Lithuanian Free Market Institute, said: “Overall, last year the total turnover grew, only certain sectors, such as accommodation and restoration, suffered more, while other sectors did not experience a strong annual decline. Turnover of retail companies, compared to 2019 According to data from the Department of Statistics, in 2020, it was lower only in April and May, there is no decrease in the following months “.

Lukas Stravinskas

Lukas Stravinskas

© Personal album

He pointed out that last year not so much tax was paid: “The real difference is less than 200 million. This amount of tax was paid by Klaipedos Nafta last year. Distributing it to the 500 largest contributors does not result in a particularly large amount. 2019 difference from 2018 The tax paid by the top 500 taxpayers was more than double the difference now. “

According to L. Savickas, the tax deferrals applied by the State Tax Inspectorate helped to avoid a worse situation and thus allowed the companies to survive: “income”.

According to him, it is now important that companies have the best possible chances of recovery; This includes not only postponements or new tax breaks, but also general economic policy.

According to him, the introduction of a tax exemption for reinvested earnings could be the means to accumulate higher reserves or invest in progress, thus reducing the need for subsidies for companies.

“It is necessary to look for more facilities that allow companies to deal with the pandemic on their own, without forgetting the excess regulation, ensuring the flexibility of the labor market, as the economy recovers, it is still difficult for some people to find work and businesses that attract workers, “he said.

Asked about what changes and trends can be expected from this year, he said that on the one hand, life must return to normal, the restrictions will decrease or disappear. It is true that some sectors will continue to face the unrecovered demand that would be needed for normal operations. The tourism sector, for example, is unlikely to enjoy the same income this year as before the pandemic.

“General global trends are important: major changes have caused supply chains to break, a lack of certain materials and services that are important to the industry, and rising prices. This, coupled with expansionary monetary policy, is turning the wheel of inflation. Now the question is only one: when will it come in. There will continue to be a shortage of skilled labor and an increase in the need for new quality training. “

The LFMI expert emphasizes that there is also good knowledge.

“In the future, more respect for taxpayers can be expected. The recent ruling of the Constitutional Court of unconstitutionality of the short term of entry into force of the tax reforms gives hope that taxes will no longer be modified in a hurry, and will be more easy for companies to forecast and adapt to the changes that await them. The economic recovery trends are rewarding, although the Lithuanian economy has already suffered less in Europe due to the pandemic. This was determined not only by its structure, but above all for the ingenuity and diligence of the people who work on it, ”commented LFMI expert L. Stravinskas.

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