S.Čaplinskas: Opportunity passport must be valid two or three more times after negative COVID-19 test


“The passport of opportunity is valid only for 24 hours. After a negative test the result is clearly too short from a virological point of view. This time should be two or three times as long.

In making the decision, he once again hid behind the backs of some experts who had offered such a deadline. It would be interesting to see the arguments in favor of such a proposal.

Because both PCR and rapid antigen tests are included in the passport of opportunity, they both take the same 24 hours. the period of validity is virologically illogical ”, writes Professor S. Čaplinskas on his Facebook.

According to him, from a medical point of view, there are qualitative differences in the diagnosis of these PCRs and rapid antigen tests, so the results of one test should be shorter and the other longer.

It could take 72 hours.

Teacher 15 minutes He laid out in more detail the arguments why residents with a negative COVID-19 test could take longer to use the so-called passport of opportunity, which will be operational from Monday.

“When we talk about the PCR test, it is clear from the pathogenesis of the disease that the PCR test can generally be positive even a few days before a person has already shed enough virus to infect another person.

In other words, the PCR test is already positive, but the person is not infected yet, ”detailed S. Čaplinskas.

Therefore, according to the professor, depending on the pathogenesis of the disease, after a negative PCR coronavirus test, the passport of opportunity should be valid for longer, for example, 72 hours, as is the case in Denmark.

Such a solution would be logical.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Passport possible

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Passport possible

According to S. Čaplinskas, after the antigen test, the passport of opportunity could be valid for at least two days.

“An antigen test correlates well when a person sheds enough virus when they are already contagious. This is again, if you only think 24 hours, I think it makes sense for it to be valid for at least 48 hours.

Such logic could be understood from a pathogenic and virological point of view, rather than from the fact that all 24 h. He (passport of opportunity – 15 minutes) then it has little applied meaning and does not correspond to the characteristics of the pathogenesis ”, explained the professor.

He noted that decisions must be based first and understood by the people.

“I think that this criterion is not sufficiently discussed in the opportunities passport, the arguments are not made public and it is very regrettable that it does not open enough opportunities for society and does not sufficiently meet people’s expectations,” said the doctor in Medicine. Sciences.

According to the current procedure, those who have been vaccinated, who have been ill, will be able to obtain a passport of opportunity, if it is registered in the electronic health system or if they have taken a test. the latter is valid for 24 hours.

Opportunity Passport is now available to download

On Saturday, the Minister of Economy and Innovation Aušrinė Armonaitė announced that the passport of opportunities can be downloaded today. This can be done on the website. gpasas.lt.

With the passport available, people will be able to dine in restaurants, cafes and other catering establishments, as well as participate in indoor events.

Registration for coronavirus tests on Monday due to the availability of a daily passport is available from Sunday.

Registration is done on the website: 1808.lt.

VIDEO: Presented how the Passport of Opportunities will be: almost 1.5 million will already be able to take advantage of it. population
