The silent reality of the Pravieniškės correctional facility: staged a cruel execution of a child rapporteur


Convicted 22 times of murder, theft, robbery, violence, fraud, threats and other crimes, the 31-year-old Koviera has served a 16-year prison sentence.

Now he will have to sit behind bars longer: the Kaunas Regional Court sentenced the repeat offender to another 7 years in prison for the execution of the child rapist.

Default execution

The story for which Mr. Koviera was convicted took place on February 3 of last year. Over dinner, he learned from other convicts that a newcomer, DG, had been transferred to them.

According to the prisoners, the man himself boasted to his friends about the fate that he was sitting for the rape of a minor, so the message spread in a jiffy.

The silent reality of the Pravieniškės correctional facility: staged a cruel execution of a child rapporteur

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

Immediately after dinner, Mr. Koviera, as he himself claimed, only went to talk to the newcomer, picking up a 1.5 meter long metal bar from the stair railing.

“Let’s go see what the pedophile picked up there,” Koviera told the convict on the way and went to find where the rapist was sitting.

Later, law enforcement officials told the repeat offender himself that he had placed the rod downstairs and then went upstairs with a friend to look for a newcomer.

When he met another inmate in the hallway, he asked, “What section are the newly quarantined in?” The latter did not respond, only pointed at a door with his finger.

Upon entering the section, Mr. Koviera immediately noticed an invisible face, the man sitting on the bed and leafing through the magazine.

Pravieniškės Correctional Center

Pravieniškės Correctional Center

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

“Were you released from quarantine today?” Koviera asked and received a positive response.

“How many punishments do you have?” The questioning continued.

“7 years,” DG replied

“What did you get for those 7 years?”

“For rape”.

“That age had?”

“It was 7 years.”

“To avoid problems, because others don’t want you to be in a squad, leave the squad,” Koviera told the rapist.

Drilled with a metal rod

According to the prisoners who observed the entire conversation, the director general disobeyed and laughed and made fun of him and sent Mr. Kovier. This upset him and he slapped the sitting man twice on the head, splitting his eyebrows and lips, and blood ran down his face.

“Come on, since you paid to rape a 7-year-old girl, she couldn’t defend herself, let’s see how you’re going to defend yourself now,” said the repeat offender, grabbing his victim and dragging her down the hall.

Other prisoners watched as Mr. Koviera beat his victim with his hands and feet and pulled his head towards the stairs, then kicked him in the back and the man rolled from the second floor to the first. The repeat offender then dragged his victim by the leg into the shared kitchen.

“Do you know why you get into his head? You wear yourself for that 7-year-old girl because I hate pedophiles, ”Koviera said and went to pick up the metal rod that she had left her earlier.

The silent reality of the Pravieniškės correctional facility: staged a cruel execution of a child rapporteur

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

The brutally beaten man was still trying to bet and rescue, but the attacker hit him on the ground with a kick to the head and rushed to hit him with a stick on the legs and body; received at least 10 hits.

The entire execution lasted until someone exclaimed: “Mentai is coming “.

Mr. Koviera placed the staff in a corner and went out with the other prisoners. The officers who arrived because of the noise inspected the hands of all the men, but no suspicions were raised against them. The abuser, who was seizing the opportunity at the time, returned to his platoon. True, it was soon discovered that it was he who had struck the man.

The DG has not yet recovered from the execution: his jaw has been crushed, his ribs have been broken, his spleen and kidneys have been ruptured, and his entire body is covered in bruises. He himself did not say anything about the event, he said all the time that he woke up in resuscitation and did not remember anything at all.

Delfi approached the Department of Prisons with questions about how officials might have overlooked the long-standing violence, why it had not stopped earlier, and why it had not reported the incident to the public, but had not yet provided answers.

A dangerous repeat offender for society

Trapped, Mr. Koviera did not deny his guilt and told in detail about the entire execution. It was only he who defended himself who was provoked by GD himself.

“If he had left the platoon and hadn’t been proud of what he had done to the 7-year-old, he certainly wouldn’t have been. I certainly wouldn’t have hit him, but he simply provoked me with his ridiculous behavior, “the repeat offender told law enforcement and assured him that he regretted his actions.

The Kaunas Regional Court judge Svetlana Jurgaitienė, who assessed this crime, decided that M. Koviera, who constantly commits crimes not only in freedom, but also behind bars, should be isolated for a long time.

The silent reality of the Pravieniškės correctional facility: staged a cruel execution of a child rapporteur

© DELFI (Photo by P.Garkauskas)

“This crime was committed at the place of the sentence, which shows that it is dangerous for society and is not willing to correct it,” the judge said in the sentence.

Mr. Koviera was found guilty of seriously damaging a person’s health on a lesser pretext: he was convicted. He has been sentenced to 7 years in prison for this, and when combined with previous convictions, he will have to spend a total of 21 years behind bars.

Rich criminal history

Koviera, who had just finished school, began his criminal career as a teenager: in 2006 he was caught stealing and stealing. He initially received a suspended sentence, but did not stop stealing, for which he was sent to prison.

Since then, he had just been released and immediately started stealing and looting again, so he quickly returned behind bars.

Koviera has almost escaped the 2012 murder. He struck the drinker near La Venta and then pushed him down the hill into the river and allowed him to drown.

In the Court of First Instance, the repeat offender was convicted of violence only for a minor health disorder and only the judges of the Court of Appeal saw the murder in the performance of Mr. Koviera.

Pravieniškės Correctional Center

Pravieniškės Correctional Center

© DELFI / Jokubauskas Blankets

Sitting behind bars, he also won more than once. Together with his two co-workers, he had already executed another prisoner accused of “ratifying”. That title behind bars is awarded to those caught robbing other convicts.

The victim received 400 euros from the state for proving that he was not protected by officials, despite the fact that the guy repeatedly denounced him in danger.

Mr. Koviera also discovered a new hobby behind bars, sending threatening letters to the judges who sentenced him and to the bailiff recovering his money.

The repeat offender, who sent letters called “death sentences”, threatened to crack down not only against the recipients but also against their families. For this, he was convicted of threats.

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