Lithuanian working on a cruise ship: he couldn’t even dream of the situation where he would fall into the worst nightmare


The Delfi girl said that the director of the event has been working on the cruises for three years and so far has not experienced any interruptions. Veronika emphasized that people work for the company under contracts and that the last period of their onboard work had to be one of the shortest.

“Under the last contract, I started working this year. Meter. At the end of January. Its duration depends on the profession, on the wishes of the employees, and the contract can last from four to seven, eight and sometimes nine months. So, I started working at the end of January and planned to stay on the first day of March. The contract had to be very short. However, when I got to 1 of the fight, at my request, it was extended until April 15 “he recalled.

However, as V. Rostovcevaitė said, due to the threat of coronaviruses worldwide, the situation changed very quickly and on March 15 all plans failed.

“March 19 we landed the last vacationers and from that day on, no one was allowed to re-enter, a quarantine regime was introduced everywhere. Suddenly, all cruises were canceled and we, the staff, stood up. On board without artists, we wondered what would be here. At the time, we couldn’t even imagine exactly what awaited us. I really couldn’t dream of even the worst nightmare of the situation I had fallen into and that I would be stuck on board for three months without the opportunity to disembark. “

Only two Lithuanians worked on board

The girl claimed that on March 19. It was, in fact, fatal, as the workers who remained on board could no longer leave it, and new people, much less new workers, boarded due to the new international standards that came into effect.

“Under the new plan, I had the same on March 19. fly to Lithuania, but the confusion only increased. Another Lithuanian worked on the same boat, so there were only two employees of our nationality. Of course, we both had to fly to the same Vilnius airport, but somehow he managed to book flights home that day, and I didn’t. There was no way to understand why this happened: we were in the same boat, we had to fly to the same country and city, but only he was booked. “

According to Veronica, the panic and tension on the ship only increased, until the morning of the day all the suitcases were loaded, she was unable to obtain more accurate information from anyone.

“They told me to wait and see how things were resolved. People started to get off the boat and I was still forced to wait. So that Lithuanian managed to get out, but now I think he probably got into an even worse situation. Sure, I didn’t talk to him in great detail, but as far as I know, he didn’t leave Miami anyway because the flights were canceled, and all those three months without friends, without any other support, he had to stay there. As far as I know, he flew to Lithuania just a few days ago. “

According to her, now that she has evaluated everything well, she believes that it must have been worse for him to endure everything alone than for her, while staying on board with friends:

Lithuanian working on a cruise ship: he couldn't even dream of the situation where he would fall into the worst nightmare

Veronika Rostoncevaitė on a cruise ship

© Personal album

The best week, followed by strict self-isolation.

When, however, it became clear that on March 19. No one will allow Veronica to go home, there are about a hundred people left on the cruise. She says that no one has been able to say exactly what awaits them, but the first week was like the best vacation for everyone. There were no restrictions, it was possible to enjoy the pleasures of a cruise, so it was a lot of fun at first.

“We had a real vacation that week, we could have a normal rest.” However, very strict rules were introduced this week, we had to isolate ourselves in our cabins, and at least the strict quarantine on our ship lasted nineteen days. “

The girl said that she and most of the friends had to isolate themselves in their cabins, where they could barely turn around.

“So for five days I lived in a cabin where there are no windows or sunlight. The self-isolation that day reminded me a lot of the prison. First of all, it was not possible to exercise there, which is very important for me, sitting in the bathroom too, but my legs in the shower. Room service brought us food three times a day, the options were very simple: beef, chicken or vegetarian dishes. Since I’m a vegan anyway, I had to become a vegetarian because of the situation, because it’s impossible to go without food for that long. “

After five difficult days, Veronica said they were moved to the guest booths, which were unoccupied and tidy when the guests left: “The main change is that there was finally a window in the booth and more room to move around. I was so glad we were moved that I even cried. I was finally able to see the light of day, play sports in the cabin, get bigger toilets, even though we still had to sit closed. ”

A few days later, she claimed, she allowed people to even finally go out because, according to Veronica, it was certainly not human to keep them locked in rooms without fresh air for so long.

“Understandably, the crew management finally realized that this could really have a negative impact on our health, so it allowed us to go out for an hour twice, in the morning and at night. We divided into two groups, according to the covers, and allowed us to go for a walk at different times, “he said.

However, as the girl recalled, everyone had to follow strict rules: two meters of physical distance, put on masks and disinfect their hands. Still, Veronica said, it was really gratifying to think that she could finally be out for at least a couple of hours a day.

“After this leave to leave, life on board really improved, but we still had two more weeks to live in isolation in our cabins. We were very disappointed when we were promised that if we did not show any signs of the virus in these weeks, we would no longer need such a strict quarantine regime, but such a promise was not kept. He had even started marking the days on the calendar when we were finally going to be “released.” But on the morning of that day, we knew it would not happen and we had to suffer another psychological blow again. “

Lithuanian working on a cruise ship: he couldn't even dream of the situation where he would fall into the worst nightmare

Veronika Rostoncevaitė on a cruise ship

© Personal album

Tired of questions on Facebook

Veronica says they extended their self-isolation in the cabins for another eighteen days and were only allowed to leave on time after more than two weeks.

“We continued to have to strictly adhere to the two-meter distance, we could only wear masks outdoors.” This is how we have met these restrictions so far. However, the crew was pleased that no cases of coronavirus had been recorded on our ship. We all fully understood that such diseases spread twice as fast here and when one person becomes ill, others become immediately infected, ”he said.

The girl also shared that her friends, who were trapped on other ships, were unable to leave their cabins for a long time due to the infected people there. True, she noted, some lived in better condition than she did because it had balconies in the cabins, where it was actually more fun to spend time than when it was always closed.

But even when I finally got a chance to freely walk around the ship, I was no longer so happy, as there were only cafes to eat and bars. All other entertainment venues remained closed.

“We are still sailing on the south coast of England at the moment. There are only half of the workers on board since mid-March, as they will gradually release us. Why are we browsing this place? Most fly home from London airports. Unfortunately, I’m not on this list yet, since I’m the only Lithuanian and publishes those with more nationalities. “

When asked who helped her the most during this period, Veronica says her friends are on board and of course they are family members, as well as those who have supported Facebook messages. Still, the girl giggled as much as she loved her friends, but questions about whether he had already let her off the cruise started to annoy her and warned them to report him.

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