A.Dulkys: We expected more people to sign up for vaccination


“We want to encourage you to register. I must admit that we expected a greater number of registrations, because we really have vaccines,” said the minister at a press conference after the government meeting on Wednesday.

You can register for vaccination here.

The 45-year-old or older population is registered for COVID-19 vaccination this week, with the youngest registrations starting next week.

“We invite all residents aged 45 and over to actively register this week. A group of people aged 35 and over will open next Monday,” said A. Dulkys.

To his knowledge, about 50,000 people have registered for vaccination so far. population of the country.

“It is very funny that most of us have listened and responded to the request and we are registering through Koronastop.lt page. This is the best and fastest way to register. In addition, there it is possible to change the registry, cancel it if necessary, ”said the Minister of Health.

The global electronic vaccine registration system went live on Monday.

It is true that those who do not have access to the Internet or that no one else can register for vaccination, can do so themselves on the 1808 hotline.

The line is open from 8 pm in the morning until 8 pm in the afternoon.

When asked how the population will be encouraged to register for vaccination, as well as the choice of the AstraZeneca vaccine, whose consumption is the worst, the Minister named several paths.

“In all aspects, it will be necessary to work – both in terms of education and communication, Lithuania also plans to take care of third countries with the help of vaccines,” he said.

“We will be able to draw more detailed conclusions when we have all groups opened after May 31,” added A. Dulkys.

Promise not to relax

In weekly data review The government assumed that we had crossed the top of the third wave. – New cases of coronavirus, percentage of positive tests, decrease in morbidity at 14 days and decrease in the acceleration of the pandemic.

But that is why, according to the Minister of Health, it is not advisable to relax, especially in summer.

We don’t want a summer like last summer at all.

“We really want that to be the case, as experts and analysts say, that we are coming down from that hill of waves here. But I want to make sure that the people in the healthcare system, the people who shape its policies, don’t look at it in a loose light.

I think that, from this point of view, we do not want a summer like the previous one at all. Last summer, both the people and those who had to take care of those people relaxed. We think we will have a very bad time in the summer, ”said A. Dulkys.

And we can’t relax, he says, because the coronavirus is mutating and new strains are spreading in societies:

“There are mutations in the virus and it is very easy to find a new roller coaster on the road again.”

The extension of the quarantine will be decided next week

On Wednesday, the government released some quarantine restrictions.

As for the duration of the quarantine itself, for what it will be extended, A. Dulkys has said so far that he cannot say that it is usually done for a month, but the minister suggested not to speculate on the term.

“This issue will be addressed by the Government next week.

Legislation traditionally extends it for a month. But perhaps now we will not speculate: as agreed, evaluating all trends, looking at the scope of testing and vaccination, next week the Government will consider how to deal with the quarantine status, “said A. Dulkys.

The quarantine was introduced in early November last year and is currently valid until the end of May.
