A Šiauliai pizzeria lit a red light for the Passport of Opportunity: it will not divide people according to privileges


The owners of the Gustukas pizzeria, which has been operating in Šiauliai for three years and has managed to gather a large circle of its followers, have decided not to divide their customers into privileged and those who do not have such privileges. All arrivals will be taken care of here.

It is true that this will be done in accordance with all quarantine requirements: the owners of the Gustukas pizzeria, who have decided to ignore the Passport of Opportunity, will serve customers at tables set up outside, and will not be allowed to enter to clients, where they can enter using the Opportunities Passport.

Spread the message on your facebook account

The owners of the Gustukas pizzeria recently reported this on their pizzeria’s Facebook account.

“On May 24 the Passport of Opportunities begins. The thought itself and the innovation itself seem interesting and attractive, each of us wants to have the opportunity to return to normal life even more.

But throughout that process, there are many doubts about discrimination against people. We have repeatedly spoken out in favor of unity and mutual respect. You are all equally important to us, and now we should leave some of you behind the door …

We live in a free country, so each of us can make choices and should not be oppressed or humiliated as a result.

We all have a passport of a citizen of the Republic of Lithuania. He is the only passport to all our freedoms and opportunities.

As we cannot guarantee a level playing field for all our clients, we refuse to use the Opportunity Passport in our business. We will continue to welcome you all on our terrace!

Let’s unite! ”, Reza the report of“ Pizzeria Gustukas ”.

There were favorable evaluations

This appeal from the pizzeria owners received many favorable comments.

“Super. There are still businessmen in Lithuania of the capital letter” RESPECT “,” You are unreal, People of the capital letter! “

The mayor of Šiauliai Artūras Visockas was not left out either. He evaluated such a statement from businessmen in a comment: “Liberalism is a human right and responsibility – Šiauliai is such a city. Your decision is humanistically correct. Congratulations! “

The decision was well thought out

Owner of Gustukas Pizzeria 35 Zemeckas blankets for the portal lrytas.lt He said such a decision is not a one-time advertisement or public relations campaign.

“It just came to our attention then. Of course, we will suffer losses as a result, but we cannot sacrifice our convictions for money. If we did otherwise, we would feel bad,” he said.

The pizzeria and food supplement store owned by M. Zemeckas is a small family business.

It will not distribute clients by privilege.

“We named the pizzeria, which was founded three years ago, after son Gusto. At first, everything went well, a circle of regulars appeared, we improved.

This was followed by the first quarantine, which we relied on to cover anxiety. Fortunately, that anxiety was immeasurable: we received enough support to survive.

The last quarantine is a bit more concerning because there is more uncertainty about the support and the different rules. We are optimistic that it is almost summer outside.

And basically, we only survive by helping customers who ordered our quarantined pizzas. We feel your warmth and support, we feel a sense of community.

We did not forget it when it came time to decide on the Passport of Opportunities. We just realized that we couldn’t close the door on those who didn’t have it.

People are already tired of the ongoing quarantine. We no longer want to worsen the already bad emotional state dividing our clients into privileged ones and those who do not have such privileges ”, the portal. lrytas.lt Said Mr. Zemeckas.

We can only survive a difficult time by concentrating

The outdoor terrace at Gustukas Pizzeria has 30 seats and 50 indoors.

If cafes were subject to the same provisions as cultural events, 30 percent of the pizzeria within the building could be occupied.

“Then we would reduce the number of seats inside the pizzeria and place the remaining tables at a safe distance.

Then we could serve them inside the pizzeria without dividing the people, and not just on the terrace.

However, if this is not allowed, we will agree to the restrictions, but we will not change our decision about the Opportunity Passport.

We can survive a difficult year just by concentrating, not dividing people according to privilege and opposing it like that, ”said M. Zemeckas.
