Most famous Lithuanian cheesemaker D. Trump on the invisible side of his succession: “After changing jobs, the relationship with the parents would probably change too” | Business dynasties: heirs


Antanas Trumpa raised a total of three children, but her daughter Rita and her second son Andrius chose a different path. The daughter has a dental clinic and the son Andrius has his own business.

“Did it happen naturally, maybe because the place was busy? I’m the boss. The husband of a sister also occupies a managerial position in the company, it can be said that I am not the only one who works from the family ”, adds D. Trumppa.

D. Trumppa also sees more disadvantages than advantages in the path chosen by the heir. It agrees that in some cases the heir may have a deeper knowledge of the company or area in which the company operates, but taking over a family business also imposes a heavy burden that is not visible from the outside. After all, succession means that you will have to run the same company for a long time and you will not be able to think and just take a job.

“On the one hand, he may appear to be running a family business, a wealthy man, but he puts a great responsibility not only on the employees of the company, like every manager, but also on the parents who made that business grow. When do you know that if you want to change your workplace, you will not only have to change it, but your relationship with your parents will also change? Downward. It really is a great responsibility, a burden. It’s good that in my case it coincided with this job – first as a mechanic, then as a manager, which I like. I hope more is less successful, although there is always room for improvement. But if there was some coercion, I don’t think it is good for the person and for the whole business ”, emphasizes D. Trumppa.
