There are even more details in the story of the suicide doctor: she died while pregnant


A. Šilinskis told the journalists of the aforementioned portal that they were very close to his sister, they communicated often, but found out about the sister’s pregnancy only after seeing the death certificate. The brother believes that the deceased did not know about the early pregnancy because, as he was convinced, she would have really shared that message with her loved ones.

Also A. Šilinskis told reporters that the sister had a very strong character and that her loved ones did not appear to be psychologically tired. The brother mentioned that just before the dismissal, which took place on May 6, the sister returned from vacation on the island of Madeira. The family, according to the brother, did not know that the doctor was fired, and she did not expect the dismissal because, according to the brother, he had done nothing wrong and knew his rights. A. Šilinskis and his domestic sister began searching when she did not answer phone calls.

Medical colleagues said this week that the doctor had experienced harassment at work. The young suicidal colleagues of the doctor Šiauliai remember her with the best words. He was a smart, responsive and demanding specialist who did nothing to refuse, he says. The doctors who spoke of the beginning of the conflicts in the hospital said that the objective was to frustrate the young specialist and they did not doubt it, this was done with the message of the management.

Laima Pocevičienė, a resuscitator-anesthesiologist at the Republican Hospital in Šiauliai, told Delfi TV that the deceased young colleague knew her work very well.

„[Ji buvo] very intelligent, he knew a lot, he was very cultured. Our specialty covers many fields: cardiology, neurology, internal medicine, and she is very well versed in the treatment and diagnosis of all those fields. He was very demanding with himself and with the environment, he did nothing to refuse ”.

“I knew her as a sincere, incredibly good person, she had to communicate about personal matters, we shared our experiences,” said L. Pocevičienė.

Rasa Paulauskienė, another doctor at this hospital, commented similarly about the former colleague.

“She was very receptive, interested in everything, she learned everything very quickly. Even I learned a lot from her. <…> I would not say that it was an acute form ”, recalled R. Paulauskienė.

According to colleagues, in particular, conflicts arose with the head of one of the centers of this hospital.

“At that time, we belonged to the Cardiovascular Center, which was run by Dr. Nora Kupstytė-Krištaponė. Disagreements arose between them. There were also conflicts. Because she was accused of unethical behavior or of some kind, she was called to the principal. From what I understood from his stories when he returned from the director, he recklessly supported the position of head of the center. And then it was probably decided to put it on the wheels, I think the collection of material for its destruction started ”, said L. Pocevičienė.

Delfi tried to ask a doctor for a comment during the hospital. The doctor herself does not comment on the situation while the examination is being carried out, said Republican Hospital spokeswoman Šiauliai Sonata Tenytė.

He left a letter with surnames

Jurgita Sejonienė, a member of the Seimas Health Affairs Committee, says that she contacted the flag’s brother and received a letter written by her with specific surnames. They are asked not to reveal them during the pre-trial investigation.

“As I understand it, yes, the argument is that there were actions by several people, which she considered as psychological violence against her, and the working conditions, as I understand, were created unfavorable,” said the deputy of Seimas.

According to Jolita Vveinhardt, a sociologist at Vytautas Magnus University (VMU), this case is a classic example of psychological harassment.

“It just came to our attention then. <…> The victim can be chosen not by a weak person, but by a strong, bright, with a backbone, high competence, brilliant with his achievements and ideas. Every manager is happy to have such an employee if we talk about a smart manager. Such a person works more than his own, he is generally a perfectionist, he does more than is required of him, he is proactive. But sometimes things change suddenly and the person who brings great benefits to the organization becomes a victim. He wants to expel him ”, explained the professor.

According to the young doctor’s former colleagues, this is exactly what happened in the Šiauliai Republican Hospital.

“Teacher [situaciją] described with 100 percent accuracy. It was a united group against an intelligent man. The initiative to take action against her, I think, was a bit from above. It was allowed to do that and no one will deny it, ”said L. Pocevičienė.

Dr. R. Paulauskienė assures that she supported her colleague, tried to help her and spoke with the hospital management.

“We, the older generation, probably left, we did not fight. She was young, energetic. We supported her a lot. We also went to management, we tried to speak, we promised to help, but the promises remained promises,” he said on the show ” Facts and Opinions ”.

It was previously announced that the police are clarifying the cause of death of a young doctor working at the Šiauliai Republican Hospital, but did not reveal any further details.

Representatives of the medical institution claim that the doctor was fired for a serious offense. The spokeswoman for the Republican Hospital Šiauliai Sonata Tenytė BNS stated that the anesthesiologist-resuscitator who worked at the Center for Anesthesiology and Intensive Care worked at the medical institution from August 2014 to May 6 this year, when she was fired.

On Friday, the order of the Minister of Health on the formation and operation of the change initiation group came into force, on August 1. This group will carry out an evaluation and make proposals on what areas and actions should be taken to guarantee a safe work environment and the psychological well-being of the workers.

The formation of this group was prompted by the crisis event at Šiauliai Hospital, which highlighted difficulties related to working relationships and conditions, which require a separate assessment, the Ministry of Health (SAM) said in a statement.

The Ministry of Health, in cooperation with the State Labor Inspectorate and with the help of psychologists experienced in organizing the environment and culture conducive to mental health, will analyze the working conditions at the Republican Šiauliai Hospital. The purpose of such activities is to examine, understand and evaluate ongoing processes, identify systemic problems, areas that need change, and take action to end the situation in the long term with solutions.

Help lines:
Calls to all lines are paid by the Ministry of Social Affairs from the state budget.
Emotional support online
The Crisis Management Center (Antakalnio St. 97, Vilnius, has mental health specialists on call, whom you can consult upon arrival or via Skype without prior registration and free of charge. On-call psychologists will be available Monday through Friday from 4 pm to 8 pm, Saturday from 12 pm to 4 pm. Working hours: I, III, V 16.00–20.00 All additional information – on the page Assistance to relatives of suicides: self-help group, frequently asked questions, literature and other useful information on the page Division of Child and Adolescent Crisis Intervention. Open 24 hours a day. (8-5) 275 75 64.

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