Limited vaccine resources in Kaunas adjusted the work of the vaccination center: only people at home will be vaccinated next week


Roughly a hundred elderly, seriously ill or disabled people, according to the Kaunas city municipality, will receive a medical visit and COVID-19 vaccinations at their homes these days. If patients are unable to visit the vaccination center for objective reasons, staff will transfer to them from the Kaunas Ice Palace.

“The Ice House Vaccination Center has been operating at less than 50 percent for some time. Capacity. We coordinate processes according to the amounts of vaccines received. Experience to date has shown that vaccinating the population at home it takes considerable time.Increasing the number of mobile teams and having additional vehicles will serve these patients much more quickly.

We are pleased with the socially responsible business initiatives – with your help we can intensify the fight against COVID-19 threats and ensure that vaccination in Kaunas maintains the current momentum, ”said Paulius Keras, Head of the Municipality’s Emergency Operations Center. from the city of Kaunas. .

Each person who visits the home is given approximately one hour, as the visiting staff has to help the person with difficulties to move to prepare for the vaccine, to monitor them after vaccination for possible side effects. It also takes a long time to arrive. As a result, a mobile medical team, which had been working since the start of the vaccination, visited about 10 patients a day.

Now his forces will increase 5 times. Each team will consist of two Red Cross volunteers and a nurse. Residents will be vaccinated with Pfizer-BioNTech (Comirnaty) and Moderna vaccines. The last visitors on Friday were able to see the cars lined up next to the Kaunas Ice Palace and a specially trained nurse with Red Cross volunteers ready for this work. After noon, they collectively went to the patients’ homes.

CityBee, a car-sharing platform, has dedicated five Fiat 500 and Škoda Fabia cars to this mission, according to a report from the Kaunas municipality. Zero fees were set for them prior to kick-off. The vaccination teams will use the vehicles throughout the day, and each one will be thoroughly disinfected once the shift is over and left in the agreed place.

So far, the city’s mobile team has cared for nearly 1,000 residents, but the waiting list continues to grow. There are also requests for care centers for new residents who have not yet been vaccinated or vaccinated with a single dose.

Home vaccination service is available to all patients of personal health care institutions operating in Kaunas.

Red Cross volunteers will drive mobile team vehicles, assist physicians with technical tasks that do not require medical training, and patients waiting for vaccinations to cope with the excitement.

“For this task, 10 volunteers who already know the vaccination process have been selected. Later, the equipment can be replenished as needed. By meeting people at vaccination centers, they have gained experience in dealing with older people who are anxious about the vaccine. A similar task will await them when they return home to calm, encourage and help them, ”said Daiva Dankšienė, director of the Kaunas branch of the Lithuanian Red Cross.

It is no less important, according to D. Dankšienė, that this unique visit can also be the beginning of a longer friendship. The permanent assistance of the Lithuanian Red Cross will be offered to the elderly, lonely, needy and people with disabilities; if a person so wishes, they can have a “volunteer” who will visit and provide the necessary assistance on a regular basis. .

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