Regitra will reduce the number of people who want to register cars: it will change the order of operation


“Changes in the transport trade sector are necessary and cannot be postponed because we are talking about public interest and tax evasion. It is understandable that there are problems at the moment, so I instructed Regitra management to fix the problems as soon as possible and ensure flow regulation. Both companies and individuals must receive high-quality services and quickly ”, says the Minister of the Interior, Agnė Bilotaitė.

We remind you that many clients of Regitra branches currently have pre-registration. In other words, preference is given to registered individuals and unregistered individuals only receive services when vacancies arise.

“We see that due to the release of quarantine restrictions, the intensification of the auto trade and the recently enacted procedure, the demand for Regitra’s services has now increased. We are responding to the situation and redistributing customer flows to allow customers to clients receive services promptly in urgent cases. We will open more service boxes in the branches without prior registration. Those who wish to be seen on time will continue to have access to pre-registration. Well, others will be able to come and wait on site, “says Dalius Prevelis, General Manager of Regitra.

This procedure will come into effect in two weeks, that is, from 2021. on May 28, since the number of pre-registration places is planned for a maximum of the next two weeks. Therefore, people already registered will be served on time.

Increase human resources

Due to the growing need for vehicle registration, Regitra is increasing the number of employees in this field. Currently, 11 vehicle registration specialists are sought in Lithuania, 7 of them in Vilnius.

In addition, given the greater need for consultation with the client, until May 1. An additional five staff members were recruited in 2007 and a further ten are expected to be recruited in the near future.

Faster business customer service

In order to expedite business customer service, new vehicle manufacturer representatives are already receiving services on additional non-business days.

Since May 17. Representatives of new car manufacturers registering large numbers of cars will also gradually start service in a separate unit in Vilnius. One of the three subdivisions of the capital, located at A. Juozapavičiaus str. 6.

And the service of private clients in the capital will continue in two other divisions: Lentvario str. 7 and Old Ukmergė road. Four.

Currently, companies with the status of Lithuanian carriers also receive services separately.

Residents are encouraged to use e. services

On May 1, with the launch of the new vehicle owner accounting system, the Regitra electronic system had encountered some problems, but many of them have already been eliminated. Thus, the company recalls that many vehicle registration services can be obtained simply online, for example: to register a vehicle previously registered in Lithuania, to order license plates or registration certificate instead of loss / damage, etc. Electronic orders are delivered by courier or at the nearest ATM.

All services related to the new owner accounting system that has come into effect, such as obtaining a sole proprietorship declaration code (SDK), are also available online.

Since the innovations came into force, about 36.1 thousand new SDK codes have been generated, of which around 25.4 thousand have been generated online, 10.7 thousand in the division. Also around 2 million. so far they have been automatically generated for vehicles registered in Lithuania.

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