What plans will see the light of day?


Alcohol restrictions have paid off

As early as 2017, most of the newly elected peasants adopted strong restrictions on alcohol. Current rulers have begun drafting a new bill to ease restrictions, proposing adjustments to the alcohol control law. It is now proposed to allow alcohol trading after 8pm on Sundays, and people over the age of 18 can also buy alcohol.

“It is clear that such regulations, which prohibit the purchase of beer for the 19th anniversary, are completely excessive. That person, the young woman, is moving from public spaces to personal spaces and this poses even greater difficulties.

We are well aware that domestic alcoholism is further aggravated by other negative consequences, such as domestic violence or heavy drinking, ”said Vytautas Mitalas, a member of the Freedom Group.

However, Agnė Širinskienė, a member of the opposition Peasants and Greens faction, said the restrictions had paid off.

“I see many problems because the law that is in force now is effective. There has also been a decrease in alcohol consumption, a decrease in deaths, alcohol-related psychoses, and overall health indicators are good.

About 35 percent of the population say that their living environment has even improved, which also shows that the law is working. In this case, the abolition of all those norms will have the opposite effect ”, said the parliamentarian.

According to V. Mitalas, the new bill will not abolish the ban on advertising, but will only clarify it; for example, alcohol producers and traders will be able to provide cognitive scientific information on alcohol production methods.

It is not yet clear when the restrictions on alcohol could be changed, but it is expected to do so starting next year.

Coalition partners also disagree

Amendments to the law have also reached the Seimas, proposing the abolition of criminal liability not only for small amounts of cannabis but also for possession of all other drugs. Yet Seimas is finding it difficult to make amends: politicians disagree on how to effectively combat drug use without punishing people.

“The Code of Administrative Offenses is not a code of permits, it is also a code of punishment, but it is very important that these sanctions are proportionate.

We are now delivering more than a thousand convictions to our citizens, and in four years we have had 4,000 more convicted for this distorted policy, although it is not producing the results we were hoping for, “said Morgana Danielė, a spokeswoman for the Freedom Group.

Conservative coalition partners also have comments on this project with the Freedom Party.

“If I could define the concept of soft drugs, I would be open to conversation and maybe even agree. Young people who have made mistakes in life cannot break terrible punishments.

But we will find a balance when defining the concept of soft drugs. If all the drugs go away, I will definitely not be the one to agree, “said Seimas member Laurynas Kasčiūnas.

Association law is already on the way

Another initiative that is provoking political and public debate is the Association Bill. According to him, both same-sex couples and same-sex couples could register and terminate partnerships with civil registry offices.

This would define the alienation of joint property, the maintenance of the gap, the inheritance after the death of one of the partners. The partners will not be able to adopt.

“This is not the final project, the working group is still working, negotiating the last regulations, the last blows. I think we will really be able to agree on the final details in the near future and we will register this bill in the next two weeks, ”said Tomas Vytautas Raskevičius, one of the authors of the draft, a representative of Freedom. Faction.

According to him, this law is very important not only for same-sex couples.

“There are situations in life where a woman lives with a man, runs a joint household, has children, but they have not formalized that relationship in any way. When a relationship breaks down, women often stay on that more vulnerable side, because they may have spent all their professional time taking care of children and the home, ”said a member of Seimas.

Conservative L. Kasčiūnas stated that he would not yet vote for this bill.

“When a family is created, there will be a family created in marriage and a family created by the law of association. Over time, various jurisprudence and complaints will create a situation in which an attempt will be made to equate these families.

Basically, this is a long-term political program, and the Freedom Party will have constant ambitions to supplement that institute here. That path is unacceptable to me and I would definitely not vote for this project, ”said L. Kasčiūnas.

He also had the support of his colleague Paulius Saudargas, who explained that all the most important issues in this project are already addressed by other laws.

“It has often been requested that economic, patrimonial and inheritance issues be unresolved, then all these issues would be resolved by another law that is already registered, has been approved and is being considered by the Law and Order Committee.

They are amendments to the Civil Code, which deal with the coexistence agreement, and in this way these legal and economic issues would be resolved, ”added S. Sargargas.

If the company law is presented and approved in the near future, it will take effect next year.
