7.8 thousand have been vaccinated against COVID-19. statutory officials


“We have almost 8,000 people this week. Officers vaccinated with the first dose of the vaccine and about 1,500 officers who had already received the two vaccines. After vaccination, we are also seeing positive trends in services: the number of sick officers and isolated is decreasing, at the same time ensuring a more efficient work of services and even distribution of the workload, “said Interior Minister Agnė Bilotaitė in the report.

According to Monday’s data, 4220 officers and 685 employees are currently vaccinated with the first dose of vaccination in the Lithuanian police, a total of 4905 people were vaccinated. 910 officials and 111 employees have already received the second vaccine.

In the Fire and Rescue Department, 1,575 firefighters were vaccinated, including 19 cadets from the Fire and Rescue School, as well as 86 officers from the General Assistance Center. 109 firefighters have already received the second vaccination.

321 officers were vaccinated in the Public Security Service and 25 officers received the second dose of the vaccine.

1944 people were vaccinated in the State Border Guard Service, including 1,582 officers and 362 civilians, 337 officers and 75 civilians received the second vaccination.

106 officers and 40 vaccinated at the Financial Crimes Investigation Service received a second vaccine.

Officials are vaccinated in the municipalities according to the list of priority groups.

As of April 8, the procedure approved by the Minister of Health came into force, when vaccination is allowed in large organized groups. The heads of the statutory services of the regions can contact the municipal vaccination coordinators and coordinate the organization of additional vaccination for the groups formed.
