It is reported that a few days later a doctor appeared who examined the poisoned Navalna


A. Murachowski hit the road near the town of Basli. According to the press service, his condition is normal. His medical check-up is currently underway at the Bolshukovsky District Hospital.

Murachovsky’s wife, Dozd, confirmed that her husband had turned up. She spoke to her husband on the phone; he had not yet realized that a great search had been carried out due to her disappearance.

Wanted for a few days

According to the witness’s version, Murachovsky was able to climb a tree, leave an ATV and get lost just 1.5 km from the road.

“Alexander Murachovsky’s ATV hung from a birch 1.5 km from the road. Surprisingly, knowing the area very well, he could not get out of the way,” one of the people involved in the search for the minister told SuperOmsk.

The search for A. Murachovskis began in the village of Verkhnye Uki, which, together with the village of Pospelovo, from which the Minister of Health came, is part of the village of Ajevsk in the Bolshevuk district, reports

“He is [Murachovskis] it was in a triangle with roads on three sides, and they all lead to the base, – another participant in the search operation explained – To the highway – 150 meters, from the highway to the base – 6 km. People also drive. It did not rain. He climbed a tree, the ATV hung up. Not seeing that he was trying to get away from the tree. His footprints lead to the road. Maybe he was wrong. “

Witnesses noted that no traces of bears were found nearby.

Earlier, the TASS agency, citing an anonymous source from local officials, reported that bears had been seen in the area where A. Murachowski had disappeared.

According to various figures, the Minister of Health is looking for between 50 and 100 people. Andrei Kondin, Minister of Regional Security of the Omsk Region, also arrived.

A. Murachowski disappeared on May 7. – He went to the forest with an ATV, after a while it became inaccessible by mobile phone, reported the portal

According to the publication SuperOmsk, A. Murachovskis found an all-terrain vehicle in a swamp. It is not yet known where it is. Information from local news portals, initially known to Murachovsky’s acquaintances, looked for him himself, but after some time he went to the hospital.

A Dozd TV correspondent called Murachowski’s wife, but she declined to comment. As he spoke, the woman cried.

Two doctors died

Two doctors from the same hospital where the poisoned A. Navalnas ended up died in February and March of this year.

Sergei Maximinin, deputy chief physician of the Department of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation, died unexpectedly in February at the age of 56.

S. Maksimišinas worked in the hospital for 28 years. In November, the chief physician A. Murachowski of the same hospital, who was under pressure for Mr. Navaln’s treatment, was appointed as the region’s Minister of Health.

A. Murachovskis had diagnosed A. Navalnas with a certain “metabolic disorder” after the poisoning. Furthermore, Mr. Murachowski did not allow Mr. Navaln to be transferred to Berlin for two days for treatment.

Later, Navaln accused him of falsifying the diagnosis. Leonid Volkov, Navaln’s chief of staff, confirmed that Maximish was responsible for dealing with the opposition leader.

“Sergei Maximishim headed the department that treated Alexei Navalna, he was responsible for his treatment, specifically the artificial coma,” Volkov told CNN.

“Maximizing more than anyone knew about Navaln’s condition, what had happened to him, so I cannot rule out the possibility of criminal activity,” he added.

At the end of March, the death of Rustam Agishev, head of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics at the Omsk First Aid Hospital, was reported. He was 63 years old. The official cause of death is a stroke.

It is noted that the doctor worked in the same hospital to which the unconscious A. Navalnas was transferred after the “Novičioku” poisoning. Opposition colleagues believe that hospital staff knew the real cause of the politician’s illness and prevented him from taking him to Germany to remove the toxin from his body.

A. Navalnas in 2020 August 20 lost consciousness on the plane. After the plane landed, a 44-year-old opponent was taken to Omsk hospital. Already on August 22. Mr. Navaln was airlifted to Berlin, where he was treated at the Charite Hospital.

According to several independent Western laboratories, A. Navalnas was poisoned with the nerve paralyzing substance “Novičiok”. Russia, for its part, says it has not been able to establish that Navaln was poisoned, so no investigation has been launched.

After returning to Moscow in Berlin in January, Mr. Navaln was arrested and sentenced to several years in prison for allegedly violating the terms of a previous probation.

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