The latest death sentence in Lithuania is woven into legends: a great effort was made to save the decanidze


Various versions have appeared in the media, but have not been confirmed and appear to be incorrect. How things really were is written in the case of B. Dekanidze, which is kept in the files of the Ministry of the Interior (MIA). However, the case is sealed and classified.

After the sentence was executed, it was marked “Top Secret”, which means that the classification term is 30 years. However, Delfi, now investigating the case in the Ministry, revealed that the classification period had changed to 75 years.

When asked why such a long classification period increased significantly, Mindaugas Bajarūnas, Chief of the Strategic Communication Division of the Ministry of the Interior, replied: “The term of classification or health or creating preconditions to endanger human life , will be classified for 75 years “(Article 8, Paragraph 2). The decision was made based on information in the file that does not concern the person himself.”

Note that the case contains not only a description of the execution, but also the names of the authors. Declassification could endanger the authors, their relatives or descendants.

In Soviet times, convicted miriop criminals were transported to Minsk and shot there. After the restoration of independence, executions of seven criminals were carried out before the death penalty was abolished.

Prosecutor Gintaras Jasaitis, who investigated the famous Vilnius Brigade case, says that he did not participate in the execution of B. Dekanidze (another prosecutor participated in the examination of the body), therefore, he does not know how everything went in that case. . However, according to him, there were no special premises for death sentences in prison. As far as he knows, death sentences were carried out in Lithuania as follows: the convict was taken to a remote place in the forest, shot there, the body was taken to the Lukiškės prison, the prosecutor, the representative from the prison and the medical examiner examined the remains, then a death certificate was produced.

The father threatened to blow up the nuclear power plant.

B. Dekanidze, the leader of the Vilna Brigade, who reigned in the capital for several years, for organizing the murder of journalist Vito Lingis (the boss’s order was executed by Igor Achremov), leading an organized gang, extorting property, possession illegal weapons, etc. He was sentenced to death in 1994. November 10 This was probably the most famous trial in independent Lithuania. The meetings were even televised.

The latest death sentence in Lithuania is woven into legends: a great effort was made to save the decanidze

© File photo

Boris’s father, Georgy Decanidze (a former locksmith who has made an amazing criminal career, from being a pickpocket to a mob boss) both before and after the conviction, went to great lengths to save his son – from bribes. giants and public statements about Jewish politicians. and even to blow up the Ignalina nuclear power plant. The brigade has even stated in the media that it can quickly collect 200 armed strikers.

By the way, Lithuania received information about G. Dekanidze’s plan to blow up the German specification power plant. on the eve of the authorities’ sentence on November 9. The power plant is reported to have already been mined, several of its employees were bribed and, if Mr. Dekanidze is sentenced to death, the nuclear power plant will be exploited on November 15. According to this information, both units of the power plant were closed on November 14, which would have mitigated the consequences of the explosion if the power plant had not worked. Incidentally, even Swedish specialists searched for explosives in the large area of ​​the power plant, but found nothing.

Last interview

A few days after the sentence was announced, on November 15 (the power plant was supposed to explode that day), the author of this article, who worked for the Lietuvos Rytas newspaper, spoke to B. Dekanidze in prison. from Lukiškės. This was probably the famous criminal’s last conversation with the media.

Ainis Gurevičius and Borisas Dekanidze

Ainis Gurevičius and Borisas Dekanidze

© Jonas Staselis

At that time, Mr. Decanidze did not seem to have given up hope that his father and his accomplices would save him. The court was called a circus, the blame was attributed to the accomplices and some powerful people who did not name. “There is a group of people who want to drive Jewish entrepreneurs out of the market.” I’ve been warned about this more than once, “said the mortal.

When asked what to say about the “Vilna Brigade”, he replied: “It would be silly to say that the” brigade “is a myth that it does not exist. But this is not a mafia. There are people who wanted to live well and chose this path I am connected to these people only by childhood friends, restaurants. I advised them what to do with the capital. My friends could have been people from the darkest criminal world. But I never held a knife or a gun, I did not give instructions to kill. ” .

A few days before the interview, Deceanze cut his arm above the elbow on camera with a disposable razor blade. It is believed that he wanted to imitate a suicide attempt. When asked why he chose such an unusual body location for suicides, he explained: “If I cut myself every day, I would know where to cut. That will never happen again. I did stupid. Now I decided: let them go off. Let them and the prosecutor be the murderers. I honestly say: I am a very strong person by nature. When I heard the verdict, I decided to withdraw. Not because I’m weak, it didn’t get on my nerves. God forbid, not for that. I just didn’t want to be a test bunny (after a year in the death cell, stay still, but already with the idea of ​​postponing the shooting or not …). It is so bad in both human and legal terms that I have become completely indifferent to everything. I spat in the face of the man who said that by cutting my hands I was only simulating a suicide attempt. This time I went to that world four times, but I was not accepted. He would cut both hands here and there (pointed to both biceps – ed.). I entered that world with cold and calm nerves. To finish once and for all. “

When asked if he was aware of reports that his father was going to blow up a nuclear power plant, he briefly replied, “I am already a power plant. It is completely nothing.”

The last question was: “Have you heard rumors of another option for your release: to bribe the officers involved in the execution, to release yourself in silence and to bury another person’s body?”

B. Dekanidze’s response: “I did not listen. Don’t believe anything. The same nonsense as about the power plant. “

The prosecutor spoke to Mr. Dekanidze on the day of the shooting.

Prosecutor G. Jasaitis, who now works in the Organized Crime and Corruption Investigation Department of the Attorney General’s Office, spoke to the convict awaiting execution three times in the last weeks of B. Dekanidze’s life. The last time was July 12, 1995. At that time, neither G. Jasaitis nor B. Dekanidze knew that the sentence would be carried out in the afternoon of the same day.

Among other things, the prosecutor was very interested in the Vilna Brigade’s relations with politicians and senior officials. He offered Mr. Danidanidze a postponement of his death sentence (it was clear that the execution would take place in the near future) for some time if he started talking about it. Decanidze said he was thinking, but a week later, during the last conversation, he decided not to talk about it.

During those conversations, Dekanidze said that he had not given an order to I. Achremov to kill V. Lingis, but only “offered” to do so. According to the prosecutor, the gang leader’s offer to an ordinary gang member did not differ from the order (Achremov himself during the investigation and in court claimed that if he had not obeyed Dekanidze and killed the journalist, he would have been killed Likewise).

According to G. Jasaitis, during the last conversations with B. Dekanidze, he was convinced that the “Vilna Brigade” had many plans to move forward. The murder of a journalist who writes only about the mafia would not have been limited if the crime had not been investigated immediately. For example, the Interior Ministry received information about plans to assassinate Seimas member Egidijus Bičkauskas, who was the initiator of the so-called Preventive Detention Act (the prosecutor’s office was allowed to detain members of the crushing person).

According to the prosecutor, at that time “some forces were trying to destabilize the social and political situation in Lithuania.” When asked if the Vilnius Brigade had entered the superior government, the investigating officer said: “This conclusion can be drawn: destabilization of the situation, early elections, change of government, etc.”

B. Dekanidze said that the murder of V. Lingis was ordered by people much more powerful than himself. But they did not name them either, saying they do not live in Lithuania.

During the talks, B. Dekanidze stated that the government “knew” about the planned murder of V. Lingis. However, G. Jasaitis still doesn’t believe in that. In his opinion, B. Dekanidze tried to emphasize himself with such a statement, to demonstrate his relations with politicians (whom he did not appoint).

Some people who have known B. Decanidze describe him as a bandit philosopher. When asked if B. Dekanidze really had any philosophy, G. Jasaitis replied: “Yes. He had his own approach to the state, order: if the state cannot recover on its own, it is necessary to create something like the inner state and help regulate life. And in philosophizing the murders, he tried to remain silent. “

According to the legend that someone else was shot instead of B. Dekanidze and released, prosecutor G. Jasaitis 25 years ago, and now also commented: “There is no doubt that Dekanidze has been executed. Lithuania does not need legends from which B. Dekanidze survived. The sentence was effectively applied. “

Boris Decanidze

Boris Decanidze

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