The unspoken truth about the irreparable collapse of Bill and Melinda Gates: there are many incredible details


The court documents received by the Town say that the request for divorce was presented by Melinda, who affirmed that the two were married “irretrievably broken.” These documents also revealed that Gates had not entered into a prenuptial agreement and would therefore share ownership under a separation agreement.

It won’t be easy because the lives of Bill, 65, and Melinda, 56, have been so closely intertwined since the beginning of the relationship. These are some of the most interesting facts about their life together.

Bill and Melinda Gates

Bill and Melinda Gates

© Sipa / Scanpix

Mr. Gates was on vacation with his ex-girlfriend

Before meeting Melinda when she was born in 1987. He came to Microsoft to work as a product manager, Gates met with Ann Winblad, a software entrepreneur and venture capitalist. There was such a strong bond between the two that Gates did not cast her out of his life even after their divorce in 1987.

“Even now, Mr. Gates has agreed with his wife to support the Christmas tradition with Mr. Winblad.” Walter Isaacson, a Time reporter, wrote in an article about Gates’ life and career. – For more than a decade, Bill and Ann have spent a long weekend together in a cabin by the sea in North Carolina. They travel by buggy under the dunes, fly planes and walk along the beach. “

“We can play golf talking about biotechnology.” The Microsoft founder told Time magazine.

Bill and Melinda Gates

Bill and Melinda Gates

© Zuma Press / Scanpix

Mr. Winblad added: “We share thoughts about the world and about each other. And we are in awe of how we, the two hardworking people, embarked on a journey into an industry that was still little known back then and find ourselves at the center of a technological revolution. “

Melinda initially refused to go on a date with Bill

She’s one of the most successful people on the planet, but Melinda revealed that when the billionaire first asked her out on a date, she wasn’t impressed at all.

“He said, ‘I thought we could go somewhere in two weeks.’ Facebook was written by M. Gates. “I replied that it was not spontaneous enough for my liking.”

But Gates wasn’t going to give up. “He called me an hour later and offered to meet me that night,” the woman added in the message. – He asked, “Is it spontaneous enough now?”

Bill and Melinda Gates

Bill and Melinda Gates

In the end, it was enough. 2019 On Instagram, Gates joked that “over the years, Bill has become even more spontaneous.”

Before getting married, he wrote the pros and cons of marriage to Melinda.

Because he was so busy leading Microsoft, Gates wondered if the marriage was worth it. The couple realized this dilemma on the 2019 Netflix series Inside Bill’s Brain. Mr. Gates revealed that the boy at the time was caught up in compiling a list of advantages and disadvantages of marriage.

“I took the marriage very seriously,” the billionaire explained in the documentary. “We were very close, so there were really only two options: get married or divorced.”

Ms. Gates added her husband’s comment: “Bill wanted to get married but didn’t know if the marriage and the Microsoft government would be reconciled.”

Gates also spoke on the subject in 2019 in an interview with The Sunday Times in April. Then he emphasized that Bill was open and did not hide anything.

“When Bill couldn’t decide whether to decide to get married, he made it clear that I wasn’t here for nothing,” he told reporters. “He was concerned about the right balance between work and family life.”

Bill and Melinda Gates

Bill and Melinda Gates

Before pleading with Melinda, Gates questioned the former lover.
When Mr. Gates finally decided to oppose Melinda, he asked Mr. Winblad for permission.

“I seriously considered marrying Melinda, so I called Anna and asked for her approval.” The Gates told the Times.

Winblad was in no way opposed to his choice: “I told him it suited him well because he had intellectual stamina.”

Mr. Gates was happy to wash the dishes

On the island of Lanai in the Hawaiian archipelago in 1994. January 1 married B. and M. Gates, they had three children: a son, Rory John (now 21), and their daughters Phoebe Adele (now 18) and Jennifer Katharine (now 25).

Although Melinda decided to become a stay-at-home mom and Bill continued to lead Microsoft in 2017. During a CBS television show on Sunday morning, she said Black had made sure the partnership was equal.

Bill and Melinda Gates

Bill and Melinda Gates

“I was surprised, really surprised,” Melinda recalled, considering her decision to focus on the house. “But I said, ‘You know, otherwise nothing will work out.’ If you want to remain the CEO of Microsoft, someone has to stay home, right? “

“We didn’t want the children to be raised by strangers, so I said, ‘If you want them to have the same values ​​as us, someone has to stay home,'” the woman continued.

“It is, without a doubt, an association of equal persons,” added Melinda. “It is important to both of us that the world understands that we nurture the family together, based on our shared values.”

An equivalent partnership even involved sharing some of the household chores. 2014 Billionaire hosted a question and answer session on Reddit. One user asked, “Is there a job that you like to do but others would never think it could be enjoyable for you?”

Gates replied, “I wash the dishes every night. Although other family members offer, I really like the process. “

Bill and Melinda Gates

Bill and Melinda Gates

© Scanpix / Reuters

Gates called the marriage a “surprise”

2019 In a video posted on Instagram, Melinda talked about her relationship with Bill. Although Microsoft realized that sooner or later it would have to meet him, the woman did not expect such a result.

“When I moved to Seattle to start working for Microsoft, I knew I would meet Bill because the company’s facilities were small,” he said. “But in no way would I have thought that I would fall in love with him or that one day we would get married.”

“Even at the beginning of the friendship, I did not think that we would become husband and wife,” continued the philanthropist. “It was a big surprise for me.”

In the title of her message, Melinda wrote: “It was one of the best surprises of my life.”

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