A. Dulkis – even more arrows of criticism of the Presidency: call for urgent responses


According to him, the tension due to mass vaccination is not due so much to the situation in large cities or the capital, where the vaccination registration system began to get stuck due to congestion, when the population from 45 years of age opened the registry on Monday. S. Krėpšta points out that technical disruptions are probably unavoidable, while the biggest problem remains that there are cities that do not have any system that allows the vaccine to register large numbers of people.

“Cities are forced to form live queues because there is no way to register a large number of people. So there is a global vaccination system and it works well, it’s really lacking, “the president’s senior adviser told Knowledge Radio.

According to him, this issue took on special relevance when the problem of the shortage of vaccines in the country was largely resolved.

“This morning we will have about 220 thousand unused vaccines, and we will receive large shipments from Pfizer early next week … Basically, the vaccine shortage has been resolved and now we are entering the second phase, the rapid vaccination phase. and efficient, where the global registration system and its fluidity the operation is critical. And here, the decisions and responses of the Ministry of Health are needed, of course, very quickly, “said the advisor.

He also appreciated the idea of ​​a passport to opportunities.

When evaluating the possibilities of implementing the Passport of Opportunities in Lithuania, S. Krėpšta says that there is still a lack of clarity as to what areas it could cover and to what extent to operate in the country. According to the head of the country adviser, the Passport of Opportunities could be applied first in more limited areas, culture and sports, to ensure that it is effective.

“Currently, the discussion is mainly focused on what is needed or under what conditions (Opportunity Passport – ELTA) is needed, but less on the object itself: what exactly is the Opportunity Passport, what areas should it touch, how should it work ? There is no consensus on the object itself, its impact, since Passports of Opportunity can be very different.

The European Green Passport is very specific for travel and with very specific conditions: fully vaccinated, tested and sick people can travel between EU countries without any restrictions. Countries’ internal passports can be very different, “he told Knowledge Radio on Tuesday.

According to S. Krėpšta, the Presidency welcomes the idea of ​​implementing the Passport of Opportunities in Lithuania, but notes that initially it should be applied to a more limited scope.

“In the opinion of the presidency, a more favorable solution is faster and narrower, with respect to certain cultural and sporting events, or the possibility of visiting residences and hospitals, which would not require large-scale tests. So apparently the most important thing would be to agree on the shape of the object itself, and then all the circumstances and issues would be resolved automatically, ”he emphasized.

S. Krėpšta stated that the introduction of the Opportunity Passport in more limited areas would allow its benefits to be properly assessed and new possibilities considered.

“It would be better to start with more limited solutions, make sure that the system itself works, that there are no bottlenecks, as we have seen with the electronic vaccination system, and move step by step to expand activities.

Because probably the worst solution is not to run that system at all, or to build it very broad and complex. Then, finally, the summer, when the majority of the public will be vaccinated, and that Passport of Opportunities, to adapt more flexibly to the complex epidemiological situation and open certain activities earlier than the situation allows, that time would be lost and the useless debate, “he said.

According to the head of the country’s adviser, there are already certain broader opportunities for people vaccinated with COVID-19 or relapsing: they can visit their relatives in hospitals and, when returning or arriving in Lithuania, they do not need to be quarantined. However, S. Krėpšta pointed out that the Opportunity Passport would help to simplify the procedures to verify the possibility of operating in certain areas.

“Taking everything together and having it in an electronic solution, in a convenient form, with the possibility of validation, … such a solution electronically would simply guarantee transparency and order,” he said.

Speaking about the validity period of the Opportunity Passport, S. Krėpšta stated that it would be valid as long as the epidemiological situation in the country requires it.

“It all depends on the epidemiological situation, on how many diseases we have. This would be a key factor to ensure that all activities can be opened safely (…). “If it is not possible to guarantee this safely in the next six months or years, then the Passport of Opportunity, which would allow us to do things safely and live safely with the virus, would have been worth it,” he said.
