He did not want to obey the general opinion: the bishop of Panevėžys defended the march of the defenders of the family, described the government as “translated”


He addressed the faithful

The organizers of this campaign say they are protesting to protect the union of the traditional family – man and woman.

The Bishop of Panevėžys J. Kauneckas also expressed his support for the March of Family Defenders on Facebook on Sunday.

“Dear Lithuanians, I will not stop thanking God for our Nation!

What a wonderful spirit God has given us! I admire infinitely: our nation has always astonished the world with its brave struggles against the Crusaders, against the brutality of Tsarism and Bolshevism. Our Nation has always defended Freedom.

But now a painful hour has exploded: the old heart of the bishop cries for a terrible threat to the Nation. My people, what have you sinned so that now your own people want to destroy you? Governors, I appeal to you: if you destroy the Family, you will also destroy Lithuania.

Dear Lithuanians, I feel your thoughts with all my heart. Your voice is alive in my spirit. You proclaim, you shout: “The time has come to defend the Family, to defend the future of Lithuania, its survival. Only together will we defend what is dear to us! “

My dear ones, you are not deterred by the intimidation that hostile foreign forces are organizing the Great March for the Defense of the Family. You are sure that it is your own translated creatures who desperately want to destroy Mars. And you cry out with tears: “We will not give up, no one will scare us, no one will stop us, we will defend the Family, we will defend with all our might.” No one can stop a true Lithuanian. “

Now you need to defend yourself, as against the most terrifying enemy. That is why, in that March, he got up to fight for the Family, for what was always the most precious thing for a Lithuanian, ”Bishop J. Kauneckas wrote.

He assured that on May 15 he would pray himself for the traditional families.

“On May 15, the day of monthly indulgences, I will pray in Krekenava for the return of a restored miraculous painting of the Virgin Mary from 612 years ago. After all, Maria has always blessed Lithuanian struggles. I will pray to bless Mars with tears in the lyrics of Maironis’s song: “Maria, Maria <...>, save from the terrible enemy <...>“You will abstain from the highest of the highest of men.”

Listen, good people of Lithuania, listen: Mary is really a blessing. And I, Bishop Jonas Kauneckas, bless the march. I bless you all, ”wrote the clergyman.

They are afraid that the “royal” family will be destroyed.

Jonas Kauneckas himself for the news portal lrytas.lt said he did not promise to participate in the march, but fully supported it; according to him, the changes that are being considered by the rulers of the bumpy road.

“He wants to change article 38 of the Constitution, to introduce that the family is not necessarily between a man and a woman, he wants to introduce an association, the Istanbul Convention. After all, those things are terrible, they practically destroy the family. And if you destroy the family, you also destroy Lithuania, ”said J. Kauneckas.

“If you said that a family can be between a man and a man, between a woman and a woman? Isn’t this the real family? “, He said.

According to J. Kauneckas, it seems that same-sex couples do not affect other families, male and female.

“What a stupid position the church is in – after all, only the union of a man and a woman can be blessed, as indicated by God Himself,” said J. Kauneckas.

J. Kauneckas, who called the rulers “translators”, is convinced that these problems should not be solved by politicians, but through a referendum.

“If you imagine that you love Lithuania, with what right should you violate its laws? After all, in fact, without the consent of the people, you have no right to amend Article 38 of the Constitution, which defines that the family is only between a man and a woman. The people will fight not to change this article in any way without a referendum, “said J. Kauneckas.

Archbishops will not participate in the protest

Lithuanian Bishops’ Conference for the portal of this particular case lrytas.lt He did not want to comment, but recalled that the clergy were doing everything possible to protect the family institution.

“We remember that the Church constantly cares for and supports the family. Not only the family institution in general, but also each individual family is important to the Church, because the well-being of the family is one of the central tasks of the mission of the Church and the essential objectives not only for the Church but for society as a whole. Family is a prerequisite for a harmonious and happy society.

By promoting family values ​​and protecting the family institute, we foster cooperation between members of society that will allow our families to be cared for and create conditions for their well-being without the use of hate speech or innuendo of any form of violence. physical or psychological.

For the well-being of the family, let us recognize that regardless of different beliefs or points of view, the relationship of each member of society with the other must be based on mutual respect and love of neighbor.

Please note that the Archbishops of Vilnius and Kaunas, who have received invitations to the event, do not intend to participate in it. The Church will continue to do everything possible to ensure that our families remain safe and can live unhindered in response to their vocation, ”wrote the Lithuanian Bishops’ Conference.

The specialists are alarmed

Portal lrytas.lt Marius Strioga, an oncologist who said now is a completely inappropriate time for mass gatherings, had to wait until at least 40% of people had been vaccinated. population of the country.

“It will be a gathering of people, they will not maintain a distance of two meters, the contact will be lasting, masks will be used, who will not, now it is no longer necessary to wear masks outdoors. A massive gathering, people of different ages from different places will meet in one place; I don’t think this is the best time for that. I think it’s a completely wrong moment, ”M.Strioga assessed.

Meanwhile, NVSC representative Justina Petravičienė noted that with the spread of the British COVID-19 strain, even smaller-scale events can cause new outbreaks in the country.

“We have really seen an increase in cases after the long late weekend and after the big holidays of the year. With the British strain of the virus spreading, we certainly cannot be sure that man is not getting sick and is not infecting ourselves. Regardless of the magnitude of the event, be it greater or less, in any case, the risk of continuing to spread the virus in society remains ”, he said.

Will defend the traditional family

Arvydas Daunys, one of the organizers of the rally, representative of the Family Movement for the portal lrytas.lt He said the protest would certainly not be entertaining, that there would be no concerts or other functions.

According to him, the organizers will not apply additional security measures and will not depend on the conscience of the people. Although up to 7,000 protesters are expected at Vingis Park, he says he will not be asked to wear masks either.

The protest march, organized on May 15, will begin throughout the country, according to its initiator. From the planned points, the protesters will simultaneously join the car column on the Klaipėda-Vilnius highway with cars and motorcycles, and the final destination of the trip will be a rally in the capital’s Vingis park.
