Kęstutis Glaveckas, who lay down for eternal rest, has very sensitive words from his wife and close friend


K. Glaveckas was accompanied on the last trip by family, fellow politicians and colleagues. Farewell words were heard at the funeral, read by Seimas spokesperson Viktorija Čmilytė – Nielsen, and Eugenijus Gentvilas spoke.

“I love mine, I am with you”

Probably the most sensitive words of all those of K. Glaveckis’s wife, Rūta Rutkelytė, got stuck.

“Let me thank everyone who supported us in this difficult hour, who expressed their condolences, who accompanied Kęstutis on the last trip, who helped through difficult times, who spoke a good word to him and our loved ones.

In those two months, we have already rolled our eyes. I would like to say a few words, words that Kęstutis himself liked to repeat when he was sad or bad.

He would tell me: “I love mine, I’m with you.” That is what I want Kęstuti to echo those words to you: “Love is mine, I am with you,” said the wife, bowing before the grave.

Extremely sensitive words from friends that annoy the audience

The words of K. Glaveck’s close friend, neighbor Rim Busil, also rang out, forcing everyone gathered in the pit to cry.

“April 30 was the day we congratulate you, Kęstuti, on your birthday. We said toasts, wishes, I said my toast and so did I.

I knew I didn’t like compliments, I didn’t like compliments. So I tried to speak witty, with the humor that you love, appreciate. I just couldn’t think that one day this toast on April 30 would be parting language, “Busil began his speech.

“I remember one afternoon at the end of March, my wife Jūrat and I went for a walk. We met you in the courtyard, we were neighbors. You just came back from a walk, but you want to join us. We walk for a long time, we talk, we enjoy of the approaching spring, the cozy streets of Žvėrynas: “Maybe we will go home, Kęstuti?” Let’s stay again, “you asked. We came back, you were in a very good mood. We agreed to meet the next day for a nice walk again .

When we went out into the courtyard at a similar time, we did not meet you, the wife worried: “Perhaps what is wrong with Kęstutis?” I looked out the window of your apartment and assured myself: “Okay, I happened, now at home.”

Let’s go back from a walk, a phone call, two words that I will mention all my life: “Rhyme, help.” I don’t remember how I got to the door. Those few minutes we spent waiting for an ambulance turned out to be a true eternity. We accompanied him to the Santara Clinic, a trip from which he did not return.

Web portals are based on knowledge about you, about your life, who you were, what you did. Lithuania has finally begun to understand what kind of people are coming out of the closet. Let’s look around us, how many more are left, how many are there or did we thank them? Will we be able to say it?

And to you, Kęstuti, thank you for being a great statesman. And that this parting language is a toast to you, it is a pity that it is the last toast. Rest in peace, ”said R. Busil, a neighbor and friend of K. Glaveckas.

V. Čmilytė-Nielsen: In time we will understand how important Kęstutis Glaveckas is to us

Farewell speeches rang out from the grave site. Seimas spokeswoman Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen expressed her condolences to her relatives.

“When communicating with Kęstutis, your pride and love were very obvious to you. The state was very important to Kęstutis, as an effective instrument that gave everyone the opportunity to express themselves.

Lithuania was very important to him, who was given strength and health. And we are convinced that over time we will better understand the importance of Kęstutis Glaveckas to us, ”said V. Čmilytė-Nielsen.

“I will speak of a free man, Kęstutis Glaveckas,” began Eugenijus Gentvilas.

According to him, Professor K. Glaveckas was born and worked in Vilnius, and although not everyone found the strength to escape the putrid Soviet reality, K. Glaveckas managed to become a free man when human freedom was the greatest enemy of the Soviet system.

“The communist basilica of Vilnius killed all the demonstrations of freedom. Those who knew Kęstutis Glaveckas say that he managed to overcome the Basilica of Vilnius at an early age,” recalls E. Gentvilas.

Thinking of his friend Kęstutis Glaveckas, E. Gentvilas says that he recognizes his world as described by his colleague Richard Gavel, when it was necessary to create a space where all the messages broadcast by the government could be read in a fun and ironic way. .

According to him, the novel “Vilnius Jazz” was born describing personalities such as K. Glaveckas. Not unnecessarily, according to E. Gentvilas, K. Glaveckas was joked that he invented economics and defended his point of view daily and without recklessness. According to E. Gentvilas, if there had not been K. Glaveck among the signatories, it would have been an unforgivable mistake. Fortunately, he was among the Lithuanian signers and restorers.

According to him, K. Glaveck and his colleagues even on January 13. at night they talked about how many orphans would be left if not all of them survived. However, according to E. Gentvilas, K. Glaveckas remained with his colleagues and remained completely alone, because the moral imperatives “need” and “must” were important to him.

“We bid farewell to this free man, the prophet of liberty and the herald of liberty. Condolences to the family, relatives who knew the signatory Kęstutis Glaveckas. And today the sky over Lithuania is wide, wide and from now on, Kęstuti, it’s all yours. Rest in peace, ”said E. Gentvilas, lamenting.

Glaveck died in hospital on Friday. His colleagues reported after death that he had undergone heart surgery three weeks ago.

Politicians have had heart problems before. In the summer of 2009, the news circulated throughout Lithuania that a member of the Seimas K. Glaveckas, who was on vacation in Alaska (USA), suffered a heart attack.

At Anchorage Hospital, he underwent emergency heart bypass surgery and had a pacemaker implanted. He was also being treated at this hospital.

A year later, in mid-December 2010, Glaveck was admitted to the hospital again. Politicians felt bad at the Seimas considering next year’s budget. The politician managed to recover and went back to work.

He left a strong impression on the political and economic life of Lithuania.

K. Glaveckas was born in 1949. April 30 in Vilnius. There he was in 1967. He graduated from Vilnius Antanas Vienuolis High School in 1972. He graduated from Vilnius University. In the same year, K. Glaveckas began teaching at the Vilnius University Faculty of Economics, where he worked until the 2000s.

1976 K. Glaveckas defended his BA in economics. 1987 He defended his habilitation thesis at Tallinn University, for which he obtained a qualified doctorate in economics. he was awarded the title of professor.

1992-1996 Consultant for Lithuanian and foreign companies. Together with others, he founded the Free Market Institute of Lithuania, in 1992-1998. He was president of the board of directors of this institute. 1993-1996 Chairman of the Board of the National Stock Exchange.

Glaveck has been in politics for many years. 1989-1990 he was the head of the department of economic and social affairs of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Lithuania, he was the secretary of the Central Committee. 1990-1992 he was elected deputy of the Supreme Restorative Council-Seimas, and since 1996. permanently elected member of the Seimas.

1998-2000 K. Glaveckas was the Vice President of the Union of Lithuanian Centers (LCS). President of the Union. 2002 as a candidate of the LCS he participated unsuccessfully in the elections of the President of the Republic of Lithuania (he obtained 0.52% of the votes). 2003 elected to the Kaunas City Council.

2003 May 31 elected first vice president of the Union of Liberals and the Center. 2005 Taken from the Union of Liberals and the Center. 2008 He joined the political party of the Liberal Movement of the Republic of Lithuania, where he remained until the end of his life.

True, 2020 In November, Glaveck left the Liberal Movement faction and later the party.

K. Glaveckas 2000 received the Lithuanian Independence Medal, 2004 – Order of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Gediminas.

Budo is married twice. The first wife is Aušra Glaveckienė, the second is Rūta Rutkelytė. He had two daughters: Ramunė and Živilė.
