Blinkevičiūtė passed to the Government: “Let’s not make fun of it anymore”


In the program “Dienas pjūvis”, the candidates for the presidency of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP), MEPs Vilija Blinkevičiūtė and Juozas Olekas criticize the actions of the Government.

Vilija Blinkevičiūtė

Disappointed school closings

Students study remotely for a practical year. Last year, as soon as the pandemic started, every student in the country was sent to study on screen.

V. Blinkevičiūtė notes that when going to the elections, members of the current ruling coalition named education as one of the priorities. However, as the MEP says, the current impression is that education is only given as much time as others.

“I was very disappointed by the conservative-liberal government in education policy. They promised in the run-up to the elections that education would be a priority. It’s certainly not a priority for this day. On the contrary, even residual problems are solved.

Look, a pandemic period, a very difficult period. Our children have not been to school for almost a year. This is a great loss and a great loss, first of all, for the children and the future of Lithuania. The Government should make every effort to get students to work directly and go to schools instead of distance education. Significant damage is done to both the quality of learning and the psyche of children.

Therefore, until now, when the decision is such that it will be decided by the municipalities themselves, Minister Šiugždinienė cannot make a decision, because the opinions of the experts differ. The experts can only advise, the decision must be made by the politicians and the Minister ”, says V. Blinkevičiūtė on the air of the program“ Dienas pjūvis ”.

V. Blinkevičiūtė currently works in Belgium, where the seat of the European Parliament (EP) is located. According to the MEP, schools in Belgium have never closed.

“Everything is closed, all services are closed, etc., a curfew is introduced, but the children go to school. Va should have been our priority here. Now, as I understand it, spoons in the afternoon. The school year is coming to an end and we are still deciding whether our children will start school or not. Let’s not make fun of others more, “says V. Blinkevičiūtė.

Juozas Olekas

Olekas: The government ruined the business

Olek MEP points out that the pandemic management measures have discriminated against small and medium-sized businesses. According to the politician, people were not allowed to earn money.

“It is clear that this government has clearly ruined small and medium enterprises. We have seen the opening of large stores, the sale of various products and the prohibition of small businesses from selling the same products, be it a bazaar or small stores.

We need to consider the opportunity for people to make money. They don’t ask for benefits, they say: let us work. By applying the appropriate measures, especially where there are better epidemiological conditions, it was possible to do so and allow it, ”says J. Olekas in the program.

V. Blinkevičiūtė warns that the country has a high unemployment rate, but, according to the MEP, the voice of the Ministry of Social Security and Labor is lacking.

“It’s scary when I heard from the Minister of Labor and Social Security that they are registering anyway, that they don’t want to work, it’s as if they were working somewhere else. So do we propagate illegal work so that a person can work somewhere because it is not formalized anywhere? Can not be.

And those people who really want a job and lost it during a pandemic should invest as much as possible in them. The investment has to go for people to retrain so that they can start their own business, suddenly find another job in a few months and be needed in the market.

Lithuania can already apply for help from the EU Globalization Fund, as the tourism sector, hotels, restaurants and many people lost their jobs during the pandemic. Please cooperate with funds from the national budget, European funds and invest in people so that they are needed again in the labor market, ”says V. Blinkevičiūtė.
