Why has Russia only now officially recognized Lithuania as a hostile state?


Russia assumes the position of victim and the local population is affected

According to the political scientist of the Lithuanian Military Academy, dr. Garlic Giedrius, these 9 countries are the ones that Russia mainly talks about with its internal audience. The list of hostile countries has grown and Russia, Garlic says, has overestimated its ability to perform at international events:

“Due to their aggressive actions, they provided the opportunity to form public opponents even with those states that had been friends with them for a long time. Here we can remember Ukraine, Sakartvela, where with their aggressive actions, occupation of the territory, annexations, they have created states long-term hostile to themselves, while other states, seeing Russia violating international law, poisoning abroad, large-scale espionage, explosions, try to distance itself from Russia. “

Dr. Garlic Giedrius

Dr. Garlic Giedrius

© DELFI (Photography by R. Akhmedov)

The aggressive actions of Russia, says Garlic, try to portray that the world, and especially the West, is hostile, so it is necessary to focus on the leader, his regime: “Russia is being portrayed as a fortified fortress.” The following position is sought from the second term of Vladimir Putin:

“They are successfully trying to indoctrinate the Russian audience, question history, justify Soviet crimes with it or deny them,” says Garlic.

The research shows that the chosen methodology works: although, according to the political scientist, the locals are somewhat skeptical about the information they see on their television channels, most of it remains to support the narrative formed by the Kremlin.

G. Garlic: It is only a matter of time before Russia again seeks friendship with the West

Garlic is reluctant to believe in China’s sincere friendship with Russia: 2014 The gas pipeline development agreements signed with Russia in May and the gas presale were an attempt to show that Russia has alternatives to the West, but China sees this mainly in commercial matters and to the extent that they need to balance relations with the US. “

Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping

Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping

According to the political scientist, it is only a matter of time before Russia looks for friends in the West again, as evidenced by some of Putin’s actions: “We see that Russia is trying to use its role as a maja, an unpredictable player in the international arena. , trying to increase their power, influence and be an equal partner in negotiations.

A meeting between Putin and US President Joe Biden is scheduled for the summer. It is planned to take place in a third country:

“A neutral state will be chosen. Putin, apparently, has already spoken with the Finnish leader about the possibility of holding such a meeting, it would be a great opportunity, because Finland declares its independence, it is not a member of NATO. I do not think the meeting be it in a NATO member, maybe somewhere on the American continent, because it would be an interesting trip from the US. The Russian president will be invited to the American continent. By the way, these are also certain symbols of display of power. ” .
