Warned about the plight of COVID-19 in Vilnius: residents urged to comply with quarantine, vaccination


“The COVID-19 situation in Vilnius is very complicated, we ask residents to comply with the quarantine requirements. You will find them https://koronastop.lrv.lt/lt/“, – is written in the sent message.

It also targets people 55 and older with chronic illnesses, teachers, and high school graduates who are invited to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

Registration for vaccinations is available on the website. https://vakcina.vilnius.lt/ or by phone 19002.

According to the Department of Statistics, the incidence of COVID-19 is 100,000. The population in 14 days in Vilnius reaches 1,051, while in the country this indicator is 558.9.

Given the difficult epidemiological situation in the Vilnius region, the Ministry of Health redistributed vaccine shipments received earlier this week and more were delivered to the capital.

According to data from the Vilnius registration system, there are currently just over 3.8 thousand free registration coupons for COVID-19 vaccines. The Pfizer vaccine is given.
