Business psychologist Laura Rimkutė named the secret of a successful career: many Lithuanians lack it


Distrust is encoded in the character

The opinion of psychologists is unanimous: self-evaluation is directly related to the achievements and results of each employee. Therefore, job seekers are encouraged to think about personal self-esteem, as it often determines job success, according to a press release.

The country’s largest employer, Lithuanian retail chain Maxima, invites employees to join the team by gaining life experience. According to Ernesta Dapkienė, director of Maxima’s Communication and Image Department, along with a proper self-assessment, it is no less valuable than your professional skills.

“The personal qualities and life experience of employees are strengths that can enrich not only our rich team, but also make all customers happy. Therefore, we believe that these traits and the attitude of each candidate towards themselves are usually more important than professional competencies. After all, you won’t learn patience, stubbornness, motivation, or sincerity, and those qualities are crucial even in the most difficult customer service situations. First of all, we are a team of people. And humanity is the greatest value of any employee, ”says E. Dapkienė.

In turn, business psychologist L. Rimkutė points out that most Lithuanians tend to underestimate the positive personal qualities mentioned. This, he said, is a national characteristic of the nation that characterizes many post-Soviet countries.

“It just came to our attention then. It is typical that most Lithuanians do not see real personal value, do not trust themselves, reduce and narrow their strengths. I realize that the people of the country have too low self-esteem. , but we seem much more valuable to others than to ourselves. Therefore, such disbelief and inability to reveal our personal strengths prevents us from trusting others, such as employers, “emphasizes L. Rimkutė.

Business psychologist Laura Rimkutė named the secret of a successful career: many Lithuanians lack it

The advantage is emotional competencies.

Referring to self-confidence, which can be called a national characteristic of the nation, the business psychologist adds that personal evaluation also depends on age. L. Rimkutė’s practice shows that young employees in Lithuania tend to have too high expectations and expect a high salary, although they still cannot create value. For this reason, the interlocutor offers them to start working, albeit with a lower salary, in a workplace that develops a full range of life experiences.

“At that time, older employees are accompanied by various fears, anxiety about losing security, having a job, doubts that it is unnecessary for anyone. In this way, they underestimate themselves, lower their personal expectations and no longer seem to believe that they can, pay, and are capable of doing something. For this reason, older employees tend to doubt that the life experience they have is useful ”, assures the interviewee.

However, it is she, rather than proper job skills and professional knowledge, that a business psychologist believes is more likely to determine career success. Therefore, according to L. Rimkutė, an employee who uses personal qualities and gains experience may be happier than working in a hateful job chosen, for example, because of his diploma.

“People with many emotional competencies are more successful. It is the ability to communicate with others, manage emotions and moods, not break out of anger, the ability to motivate yourself even when there is no desire to work. These employees find employment more easily, because their personal qualities are a strength that is valued by both managers and colleagues ”, emphasizes the career specialist.

All experiences are valuable

When asked how job seekers could objectively assess their competencies and opportunities, L. Rimkutė, first of all, advises choosing a suitable living environment. In it, according to a business psychologist, one should find like-minded people to support me to advance in the desired career path.

“If friends or acquaintances have found dream jobs that they are happy with, those people could lead others by example. They are that source of trust and support that inspires you to pursue personal goals. Those who lack these like-minded people in their environment they could find them through hobbies, favorite activities that unite like-minded people ”, says the interlocutor.

Another way to raise self-esteem, according to L. Rimkutė, is to be inspired by the advice of psychologists, administrators-educators, which can be found online or in books. A business psychologist who wants to be more confident also offers a simple but effective way out.

“You can simply write your personal strengths and experiences on a piece of paper. If you are raising children, you are patient, you know how to do a lot of work at once, and you are loving. Even when you start eating healthy, you show your stubbornness and, while exercising, you develop motivation. Be proud of that during the job interview, it will be the first step towards success, ”sums up L. Rimkutė.

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